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CoinsWeekly is Moving!

CoinsWeekly is getting a fancy new website. There will be no more new News articles here! What else does that mean for you? Find out here!

Heinz Tursky (1941-2023)

Heinz Tursky is one of those coin enthusiasts who truly left their mark on the world of numismatics. Without him, Tyrolean numismatics in particular would never have been what it is today. Ursula Kampmann remembers the Tyrolean coin dealer.

Jere L. Bacharach (1938-2023)

Jere L. Bacharach, expert on Islamic numismatics, died in April 2023. The ANS remembers its long-time member of the Board of Trustees, and an invaluable scholar of the numismatic community and Middle Eastern studies.

The Most Important Document of Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State

A 1790 report written by Thomas Jefferson while Secretary of State is of extraordinary importance for US numismatics. Now one of only six known surviving copies was donated to the ANA.

The Numismatic Index on 26 April 2023

The numismatic index numindex transparently shows how the prices of selected coins change over time. In the style of a stock index, it was designed for collectors who consider their collection an investment. Find out about the current state of the index.

The Most Expensive Krugerrands on the Market: Hidden Treasures Among the Bullion Coins

Even in the field of bullion coins, there are some rarities that are now worth considerably more than the gold price. It pays to be informed! In this article, we’ll present the rarest Krugerrands on the market, with the help of specialist Dirk Wasserthal from RareCoin.

Osborne Coinage Joins Belgium’s Royal United Mint

Osborne Coinage is the oldest private mint in the United States. Now it has become part of the Royal United Mint in Belgium joining two other mints.

Two Coins in One: The Contour Necktie

Croatia issued its first two collector coins denominated in the euro currency, which was introduced in 2023. They are dedicated to a fashion accessory that owes its name to the Croats, the cravat, precursor of the necktie.

Pobjoy Celebrates Mars Glacier in The British Antarctic Territory

In 2023, Pobjoy starts a new series dedicated to the glaciers in the British Antarctic Territory named after planets of the solar system. The first coin features the Mars Glacier.

In Memoriam Romain Probst

Romain Probst was one of the central figures of Luxembourg numismatics. Now the charming and eloquent coin dealer has passed away. Ursula Kampmann remembers him.

How the 8 Reales Became A World Currency

Inspired by the thaler, in the 16th century the Spanish monarchs issued the 8 Reales in their territory. And as they ruled large parts of the “New World”, the Spanish dollars became a world currency with many successors.

The World’s Largest Celtic Coin Hoard Is On Display

Le Catillon II is the world’s largest Celtic Coin Hoard with 70,000 coins and jewellery. In 2012, it was discovered by two metal detectorists in Jersey. Now it is on display in Jersey’s newly refurbished archaeological gallery.

The Coins From Villa Borg

In antiquity, Villa Borg in Germany was a flourishing economic enterprise. Numerous coin findings bear witness of its far-reaching trade connections. Claire Franklin took a look at the new catalogue by Ulrich Werz presenting this numismatic material.

Collecto – the Easy Way to Digitize Coin Collections

Collecto digitizes art collections. One of its latest projects: the about 100,000 coins of the Qatar collection. Founder Johannes von Mallinckrodt explains why Collecto is ideally suited for the numismatic world and tells us about the opportunities of machine learning.

Fakers Using Same Cert Numbers Multiple Times

Looking up a coin’s cert number in a database is not always reliable. Recent examples of fake “certified” Morgan and Peace dollars have been found with the same certification numbers on the encapsulation inserts.

CCG Has Graded More than 75 Million Collectibles

Until 2022, Certified Collectibles Group has graded over 75 million collectibles. Of the 55 million coins 35 million are US coins. One type of US coins is particularly strong.

The New Yale Gallery of Numismatics

The Bela Lyon Pratt Gallery of Numismatics at Yale University Art Gallery comprises over 120,000 objects. Curator Benjamin Hellings and his assistant Emily Pearce Seigerman present the collection in a video.

Varied But Rare: 2-Euro Commemorative Coins from the Vatican

2-euro commemorative coins from Vatican City will round off our series on this topic. Many of these popular issues have drastically increased in value over the years. Numiscontrol gives you an overview and a few tips that are worth real money.

Real Heroes – Coast Guard

With the fourth motif of the Real Heroes series, CIT sets a monument to all coast guards in the world.

Mint Directors Conference 2023 in Canada

The 2023 Mint Directors Conference will take place in Ottawa, Canada from 15th to 18th October 2023 under the theme “Minting for the Future”. Register now!

Coronation Medal by the Numismatic Society of Auckland

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the ascension of her son as King Charles III, the Numismatic Society of Auckland decided to produce a medal to mark his coronation. It does not show Charles III, but his two predecessors of the same name.

numindex – The Stock Index for Coins

Has it become more expensive to collect coins? Numindex has the answer. The numismatic index transfers the concept of a stock index into the world of numismatics to help collectors find a suitable topic for their collection.

NGC Database Helps Solving Mystery of Missing Coins

In Beaumont, Texas, coin shipments worth more than $400,000 were lost or stolen over months. Thanks to the NGC database, the police were able to track down two suspects.

The Numismatic Index on 3 April 2023

The numismatic index numindex transparently shows how the prices of selected coins change over time. In the style of a stock index, it was designed for collectors who consider their collection an investment. Find out about the current state of the index.

Ursula Kampmann on the Evolution of the German Coin Market After 1970

During the NYINC 2023, Ursula Kampmann gave a presentation on the Evolution of the German Coin Market after 1970. This is the time when it changed profoundly becoming what it is today. But watch for yourselves, the video recording is now available online!

Christian Strayhorn New ANA Education Director

The American Numismatic Association has a new Education Director. Christian Strayhorn is responsible for implementing an online education program while elevating and improving upon existing programs as the ANA Summer Seminar.

A Lawyer’s Assessment of the Return of the Brutus Aureus

A Manhattan District Attorney returned the world’s most expensive ancient coin to Greece. The reason for this was a falsified provenance. The lawyer Peter K. Tompa is convinced that this case should be of concern to everybody.

The Birth of Portraiture on Coins

How and when did portraits get on coins? We should look at Alexander the Great and his successors to answer this question. A new exhibition at Nickle Galleries in Calgary explores the representation of power and identity on ancient coins.

New Year Address 2023 of the King of Bermania

The small age-old Kingdom of Bermania is ruled by Alanus I who promotes both humor and numismatics. King Alanus I campaigns for a flexible calendar and delivers his Royal New Year Address for 2023 – now.

Votive Coinage from Gandhāran Shrines

In a valley in northwestern Pakistan, for over 700 years, a cluster of shrines minted hundreds of varieties of their own votive coinage – a unique case in Central and South Asia. A new book describes the obscured history of this fascinating aspect of Asian numismatics.

Giro d’Italia: Italy’s 2023 Coin Collection

From high culture to pop, from Dante to Diabolik and from haute couture to haute cuisine: In 2023 Italy’s coin programme is as diverse as the country itself and features technical highlights that have never been seen before on Italian coins.

Fake Gold and Silver Coins on Hundreds of Websites

Investigators found more than 300 websites selling counterfeit "rare coins" and “precious metal” items, including some advertisers on

Crossing the Border by Gondola: Swissmint presents “Klein Matterhorn Cable Car”

After more than 80 years, Zermatt’s major project “Klein Matterhorn aerial cableway” will become a reality this summer. Swissmint is honoring this project with a new issue.

Big City Lights – Sydney

The second issue of CIT’s successful Big City Lights series of 2023 is dedicated to one of the world’s most popular metropolises, Sydney. This choice was inspired by an anniversary: in 2023, the Sydney Opera House celebrates its 50th birthday.

Masters of Art – Claude Monet

CIT dedicates the second issue of its Masters of Art series to Claude Monet (1840-1926). He is considered the founder of Impressionism and a defining figure of classical modernism.

Breaking News: EID MAR Aureus Returned to Greece

New York prosecutors returned an EID MAR aureus to Greece. The world’s most expensive ancient coin was seized in the course of the investigations against coin dealer Richard Beale. The case against Beale is still ongoing.

Numismata 2023: A Paean to Coin Fairs

Coin fairs are currently experiencing a boom, including the Munich Numismata. At times, the hall even had to be closed due to overcrowding. An older colleague commented: yes that’s exactly how it was in the 1970s. Ursula Kampmann reports.

Hans Linnartz (1950–2023)

Hans Linnartz worked as a coin dealer for more than fifty years. With his expertise and his friendly, good-humoured character, he shaped the numismatic scene of Germany’s Rhineland. In March 2023, he passed away unexpectedly.

Coin Theft at Linköping City Library in Sweden

77 mainly ancient and world coins were stolen from the display of the Linköping City Library in Sweden. Read on to find out what kind of coins you should watch out for.

The Human Victims of Nazi Counterfeiting Plot “Bernhard”

“Operation Bernhard” was a Nazi scheme to counterfeit British money during World War II. In the book “Forging Secrets” experts have written on the subject and give it a human face: they tell also the story of the prisoners who had to produce the fake money.

Medallist Hanna Jelonek Receives the 2022 Saltus Award

The Polish sculptor Hanna Antonina Jalonek received the 2022 J. Sanford Saltus Award. This award is given by the American Numismatic Society for Signal Achievement in the Art of the Medal.

New York Prosecutor to Press Charges Against Richard Beale / Roma Numismatics

In January 2023, Richard Beale, CEO and owner of the London-based Roma Numismatics auction house, was arrested in New York. Among other things, he is charged with falsifying the provenance of the world’s most expensive ancient gold coin.

The Medieval Hoogwoud Hoard

A detectorist found a medieval hoard in Hoogwoud, the Netherlands. Silver coins date the hoard to the 13th century, highlighting a period of armed conflict between West Friesland and Holland.

The Coinage of Sweden: The New Catalogue

The Swedish authors Dan Carlberg, Bengt Hemmingsson and Magnus Wijk have presented a new complete catalogue of Swedish coinage. Ursula Kampmann took a look at it.

Applications for the 2023 Collier Prize in Ancient Numismatics

The ANS invites applications for the 2023 Collier Prize in Ancient Numismatics, to be awarded to the best single or multi-authored book, catalog, or online digital work related to ancient numismatics.

A Little Birdie Told Me…

Is there a little bird at the King’s ear? Michael Alexander presents a curious detail on the new coins of Charles III.

Centenary of the Opening of Tutankhamun’s Tomb

To commemorate the Centenary of the opening of Tutankhamun’s Tomb, Pobjoy presents a new silver coin featuring Tutankhamun’s Sarcophagus.

Tiffany Art Metropolis – London

The successful series Tiffany Art Metropolis shows big cities with a fascinating inlay made of Tiffany glass. After Rome and Paris, CIT now presents London.

South African Mint Launches Leopard Coins in Second Big 5 Series

The Big 5 coin range celebrates Africa’s pride – the iconic five animals that represent Southern Africa’s rich wildlife. The penultimate animal of the second coin series on this subject is the Leopard.

Roman Shipwreck Found in the Adriatic Sea

Off the Croatian coast, underwater archaeologists have discovered a large shipwreck from Roman times. It is remarkably well preserved and lies just below sea level. Coins showed them the way.

Splendid Tudor Jewel Amongst Important Treasure Finds Reported

The British Museum presented the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) Annual Report for 2021 and the Treasure Annual Report for 2020. These include over 45,000 archaeological items, among them an important jewel associated with Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon.

The IAPN becomes an Associate Member of CINOA

To build communication channels with authorities of the European Union, the International Association of Professional Numismatists (IAPN) joined CINOA, an organization representing the art trade.

Stack’s Bowers Galleries Announces New Professional Numismatist Program

If you have ever considered making your hobby your profession, Stack’s Bowers Galleries offers the perfect opportunity. Their Professional Numismatist Program is a new seminar for young adult numismatists.

Wilhelm Müseler (1952-2023)

Wilhelm Müseler was a coin dealer and one of the most renowned researchers in the field of Lycian numismatics. He was straight-forward, uncompromising and always spoke his mind. Now he has passed away. Ursula Kampmann commemorates him.

CoinsWeekly @ NUMISMATA

CoinsWeekly will be at NUMISMATA! Come see us at Box U5 and have your picture taken on this beautiful day by our photographer in front of the CoinsWeekly photo wall – for free. Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Medals of America’s Discovery and Colonization

In the 19th century, Charles Wyllys Betts wrote a well known book to illustrate American colonial history through contemporary medals. Now, Christopher R. McDowell delivers an extensive update to this standard work on American medals.

Metcalf Lecturer 2023: Frédérique Duyrat

The Archaeological Institute of America presents this year’s Metcalf Lecturer and announced the numismatics panel “Ancient Coins and Sculpture” for 2024.

Künker meets Numismata

On the occasion of the Munich Numismata, Künker will organize an additional viewing for their Spring Auction Sales and a lecture by Professor Johannes Nollé. Every coin enthusiast is invited to come.

The Technical Forum 2023: New Trends in Minting Technology

At the World Money Fair’s Technical Forum 2023, mints and suppliers from across the globe presented the latest developments and trends in minting technology. What topics were discussed and what might be relevant for collectors?

Royal Canadian Mint Lays Off Employees at Winnipeg

The Royal Canadian Mint has laid off 56 employees at its facility in Winnipeg. According to the Mint this is a necessary response to effects of the pandemic.

CIT Honors the Steam Locomotive: “Steam Dream”

Since 2019, CIT has issued four coins in the series “The Journey” depicting icons of travel. The fifth coin, “Steam Dream,” celebrates the steam locomotive with four different finishes.

CIT’s Trapped – Escape

CIT concludes the successful series “Trapped”, the first numismatic picture story. The fifth issue resolves the fate of the human with the fearfully distorted face.

A Record-Breaking Find from the Age of William Wallace

The largest hoard of medieval coins since the 19th century has been unearthed in Scotland. The hoard dates back to warlike times, when big names such as William Wallace and Robert the Bruce fought back England’s attempts of conquest.

Exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum – Labyrinth: Knossos, Myth & Reality

A spectacular exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum shows over 200 objects that illustrate the famous Palace of Knossos, the discovery and the myths around it.

A Quantum Leap in the Cataloguing of Swiss Gold Coins

Olivier Chaponnière presented a new catalogue of Swiss gold coins that is inspired by the way coins are catalogued in US price guides. It is a gift to anyone who possesses such gold coins. Their prices are to explode – especially those of high-quality specimens. Ursula Kampmann took a look at it.

ANA to Increase Security Measures at its Phoenix National Money Show®

After a series of thefts at major coin shows across the USA, the ANA will increase their security presence and video-surveillance at all conventions.

NCBA Committee Makes Commemorative Coin Recommendations

The NICAC is a committee formed by the National Coin and Bullion Association for the purpose of advising the US Congress on the adoption of commemorative programs. Find out here which topics they recommended.

A Glorious Comeback in 2023: The 50th World Money Fair

It was a comeback in the truest sense of the word: after an unvoluntary 2-year Covid break, the World Money Fair returned this year, presenting itself at least in its former magnitude and with a fantastic atmosphere. We, too, experienced the event in Berlin.

Will the USA Have Further Import Restrictions on Coins?

For years, the USA have been limiting the import of cultural property like coins through Memorandums of Understanding. Now the Cultural Property Advisory Committee has proposed further restrictions as Keith Twitchell reports.

The 2023 Numismata Munich: Everything a Collector’s Heart Desires

Those who visit the Munich Numismata on March 4th and 5th will find a sold-out venue with more than 220 exhibitors, who offer everything a collector’s heart may desire.

ANA Extends Application Deadline for Summer School 2023

The next Summer Seminar of the American Numismatic Association will take place in June 2023. This event offers students a varied selection of weeklong courses. The application deadline has been extended, read on how to apply!

New Releases from Across the Globe at the Media Forum

At the World Money Fair’s Media Forum, mints from all over the world presented their numismatic programmes to the numismatic press. Here are a few impressions of what we can expect from 2023.

Ukraine Wins Top Coin of the Year Award 2023

The competition for the Coin of the Year awards 2023 was very tough. But in the end, the top award was given in a clear vote and an Ukrainian coin won with a large margin.

Pobjoy Mint: Tutankhamun’s Death Mask

100 years ago the legendary tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun was opened. Pobjoy Mint commemorates this event with a coin featuring the iconic death mask of the Egyptian ruler.

Honorees of the 2024 American Women Quarters Program

The United States Mint presents the 2024 honorees for the American Women Quarters Program. All of these women made an impact on the USA living remarkable lives as activists, politicians or artists. Read on to learn who was chosen for the 2024 quarters.

Beatrice Schärli. On the Death of a Defining Personality of Swiss Numismatics

Beatrice Schärli headed the coin cabinet of the Historisches Museum Basel and served as President of the association Circulus Numismaticus Basiliensis for more than 30 years. In January 2023, Beatrice Schärli passed away. Andreas Urs Sommer commemorates her.

Cartoons, From Caricatures to Christmas

The Bank of England has been the subject of satirical and political cartoons, but did you know that many staff members have been cartoonists themselves? Read about some of the cartoons in the Bank of England collection!

ANS Chairman’s Fellowships for Numismatic Research

The American Numismatic Society launched a new fellowship programme for their members to financially support numismatic research.

The Most Expensive Share Sold at Auction in 2021

Franky Leeuwerck presents the most expensive certificate sold in 2021 and tells us its history. This certificate of 1665 is not only the oldest French share known today but also the oldest share ever offered at any auction. No wonder it realised such an impressive result!

New ICOMON Chair and Board Members

The International Committee for Money and Banking Museums held its last elections in November 2022. A new Chair and Board for the years 2022-2025 were elected.

That Was the 2023 NYINC

The FUN in Florida was barely over when the next numismatic highlight of the young year followed just a few days later: the 51st New York International Numismatic Convention. It was Daniel Baumbach’s first New York coin show. A newbie shares his impressions.

Dutch National Museum Purchases World-Class Collection of Cameos

The Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden has recently acquired 444 cameos of exceptional quality taking its place among the best collections of carved stones in Europe. More than 300 of the cameos are now on display in the museum.

The 1st Annual International Money Exposition in Nashville

For the first time the Annual International Money Exposition “IMEX” will be held in October 2023 in Nashville. Organizer Steven Ellsworth has partnered with Gary Adkins to make this show a must attend event in the USA.

Tübingen ONS Meeting 2023

In May 2023, the ONS meeting on Islamic numismatics will take place in Tübingen. After years of Zoom meetings this will be again an offline event. Read on to learn about how to register.

Highly Rare in Circulation: 2-Euro Commemorative Coins from San Marino

San Marino’s circulation coins are rare – even in the small Republic itself. And San Marino also issued just a few 2-euro commemorative coins. A real challenge for collectors. Fortunately, numiscontrol has some tips.

Norwegian Mint Strikes a Peace Medal Made from Humanium

Humanium is a new alloy. It is the result of an initiative to reduce illegal firearms by smelting them in order to use their remains for peaceful purposes. Humanium is the modern interpretation of the biblical request: Swords to Plowshares. The Norwegian Mint modified it. Now it reads: Weapons to Medals.

Switzerland Issues Bi-metal Coin “Rosenlaui Glacier”

Swissmint issues “Rosenlaui glacier”, the second coin in the “Swiss Glaciers” series. The 10 Francs bi-metal coin is available in different qualities and as part of various 2023 coin sets.

This Is the New Banknote Portrait of King Charles III

The Bank of England have unveiled the obverse portrait of King Charles III as it will be depicted on banknotes from 2024. Michael Alexander analyses the portrait and the new royal cypher or monogram.

The 2023 Designs of the $1 American Innovation Program

The United States Mint presents the new designs for the 2023 American Innovation $1 Coin Program. In 2023 the programm will feature innovators from Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, and Mississippi. Check out the new designs!

Canada Introduces Transitional Effigy of the Late Queen Elizabeth II

The Royal Canadian Mint celebrates Canada’s first woman journalist, Kathleen “Kit” Coleman. This coin introduces a transitional effigy of the late Queen Elizabeth II for collector and bullion coins until a new permanent obverse is chosen for all Canadian coins.

Fun at the FUN

FUN is short for Florida United Numismatists. With 620 exhibitors, it is said to be the largest coin show for dealers in the US. An XXXL event, so to speak. Ursula Kampmann visited the show.

Stack’s Bowers Galleries: Visiting the Numismatic Club House

Stack’s Bowers Galleries are proud to be the oldest US auction house for outstanding coins. Its New York address was long known as “The Numismatic Club House on 57th Street”. Ursula Kampmann visited the new club house on Park Avenue.

NCBA Names New Chairman and Officers

The National Coin and Bullion Association confirmed its new officers during its recent board meeting during the FUN Convention. The new NCBA chairman is Patrick Ian Perez of Greysheet.

David W. Lange (1958–2023)

David Lange was one of the world’s leading experts on US coins and author of numerous books on this subject. For over 25 years he had been a Research Director at NGC. He passed away on January 16, 2023.

Symposium on Alexandria’s Roman Imperial Coinage

The Circolo Numismatico Ticinese will hold an international symposium dedicated to Alexandria’s Roman Imperial coinage in Lugano in 2024. The organizing committee is formed by eminent experts.

These Are the COTY Winners 2023

The category winners of the COTY 2023 have been announced. More than one award went to Canada, Austria, and Ukraine respectively. Read on to learn about the category winners!

Theft at the 2023 NYINC

Despite strict security measures and alert security guards, the booth of a dealer was robbed at the New York International Numismatic Convention in January 2023. Here you can find a list of the stolen items.

How Was the U.S. Rare Coin Market in 2022? Roaring!

The market for rare United States coins enjoyed a banner year in 2022 with many hundreds of price records says an analysis by CDN Publishing. Read the details - and some thoughts of what to expect from 2023.

Dr Elina Screen New President of the British Numismatic Society

In 2022, Dr Kevin Clancy ended his term as president of the British Numismatic Society, and Dr Elina Screen, the society’s new president, took up office. She is the first woman in this position.

Kelvin Cheung Joins Stack’s Bowers Galleries’ Hong Kong Office

Kelvin Cheung, one of the foremost experts in world paper money and Asian coins, will join Stack’s Bowers’ leading team of numismatic specialists beginning in February 2023.

In our archive, we have made all of the content available which has been published since CoinsWeekly was established.

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