Wednesday, 2025.02.12
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Tag: CIT

Real Heroes – Coast Guard

With the fourth motif of the Real Heroes series, CIT sets a monument to all coast guards in the world.

Big City Lights – Sydney

The second issue of CIT’s successful Big City Lights series of 2023 is dedicated to one of the world’s most popular metropolises, Sydney. This choice was inspired by an anniversary: in 2023, the Sydney Opera House celebrates its 50th birthday.

Masters of Art – Claude Monet

CIT dedicates the second issue of its Masters of Art series to Claude Monet (1840-1926). He is considered the founder of Impressionism and a defining figure of classical modernism.

Tiffany Art Metropolis – London

The successful series Tiffany Art Metropolis shows big cities with a fascinating inlay made of Tiffany glass. After Rome and Paris, CIT now presents London.

CIT Honors the Steam Locomotive: “Steam Dream”

Since 2019, CIT has issued four coins in the series “The Journey” depicting icons of travel. The fifth coin, “Steam Dream,” celebrates the steam locomotive with four different finishes.

CIT’s Trapped – Escape

CIT concludes the successful series “Trapped”, the first numismatic picture story. The fifth issue resolves the fate of the human with the fearfully distorted face.

CIT Celebrates Historic Instruments – Astrolabe

CIT dedicates a new 2-oz silver coin in Antique Finish and ultra high relief to the astrolabe. Since late antiquity, this instrument has enabled us to exactly determine the position of a celestial body – the foundation of modern astronomy.

CIT’s Steampunk Issue: Nautilus

Nautilus is the third issue of CIT’s popular Steampunk series. The coin is inspired by the submarine of the same name in Jules Verne’s stories and features an ultra high relief combined with partial gilding.

Small Gold Coins – Fascinating Collectibles

What do Santa Claus, Queen Elizabeth and an American football have in common? They are all themes of CIT small gold coins. Be it Biker or Truck, Athena’s Owl or Napoleon Bonaparte – the world of small gold coins is as diverse and exciting as our time.

CIT’s Into the Wild – Lion

With this second issue of the Into the Wild series CIT sets an impressive monument to the king of the jungle: the lion – featuring smartminting® (Ultra High Relief) and partial color application.
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