Tuesday, 2025.02.11
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Tag: China

Werner Burger (1936-2021)

Werner Burger was a pioneer of Chinese numismatics. His PhD thesis is said to have been the first one in that field. Now the scholar and collector died in Hong Kong on 15th November 2021, aged 85.

Byzantine Gold Coins on the Silk Road

Over one hundred Byzantine gold coins and coin imitations have been found in China. A colloquium in Changchun asked the question, how these coins came to South East Asia.

A New Pattern from Germany of the Yunnan Dragon Dollar

Heidelberger Münzhandlung presents a new testimony to the active cooperation between China and Germany: a pattern of the Dragon Dollar for Yunnan, produced with German minting presses.

Coins and Commodities – A Monetary History of the Tang Dynasty

In his dissertation Yang Xinmin deals with the monetary history of the flourishing and economic prosperous Tang Dynasty. As the book is written in Chinese, the review by Yawei Zhang may help you grasp the subject.

Illustrated History of Milled Coinage and Medals of Modern China

Sun Hao illustrates the history of Chinese milled coinage and medals between 1889 and 1949. It includes not only a catalogue, but also historical interpretations that make it important for collectors of Chinese coins. Yawei Zhang discusses the second edition of this reference work.

Martin David Weiss, Now’s the Time to Speak

Martin David Weiss was the founder of Panda America and one of the major promoters of Chinese coins, Pandas in particular, on the international market. Martin Weiss has just passed away and Peter Anthony remembers him taking us along the journey of his life.

Visiting Shenyang’s Financial Museum

In the 17th century Shenyang was China’s political capital and its economic hub. Today, coin enthusiasts know the city as the place of China’s oldest operating mint. The mint’s remarkable history – and much more – is the subject of the Shenyang Financial Museum. Peter Anthony visited it.

Hong Kong Coin Show Postponed

The 14-day quarantine of foreign tourists arriving in Hong Kong will remain in place until 18 September. Since this makes joining the HKCS extremely difficult for overseas exhibitors, the event was postponed to 2021.

East Asian Coin Terminology for Spanish Speakers

Many collectors of Far Eastern coinage know how difficult the terminology of their field of interest is – if you do not speak all those languages. At least Spanish speakers have a new help at hand: Professor Santiago Blanco’s “Glosario numismático de Extremo Oriente”.

There Is Nothing Else Quite Like It – The Beijing International Coin Expo

The Beijing International Coin Expo, held this year from November 15-17, isn’t a regular coin show. It represents an annual opportunity for the Chinese numismatic world to promote its products and to measure its progress. Peter Anthony attended and shared his impressions.
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