Sunday, 2025.03.09
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Fixed price offers

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics has updated their website with 460 new coins, medals, and tokens at fixed prices.

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics has updated their website with 151 new coins, medals, and tokens at fixed prices.

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics has updated their website with 728 new coins, medals, and tokens at fixed prices.

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics has updated their website with 280 new coins, medals, and tokens at fixed prices.

Wolfshead Gallery

Wolfshead Gallery has updated their website with new coins, medals, and tokens at fixed prices.

Patrick Guillard

French coin dealer Patrick Guillard updates his online shop every month. His April 2019 catalogue comprises hundreds of coins and banknotes. Here is a choice of some of the most noteworthy pieces.

Atlas Numismatics

21.03.2019 - Fixed-Price List March - Atlas Numismatics has updated their website with 319 new coins, medals, and tokens at fixed prices.

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics has updated their website with 385 new coins, medals, and tokens at fixed price.

Coin house Ritter, D-Düsseldorf

In February coin house Ritter in Düsseldorf presents a special list “German States / Holy Roman Empire” comprising 40 pages.

Ritter/ Düsseldorf

Paradiesvögel, Elefanten und eine Ausweismarke für einen Askari, das sind die exotischen Zutaten für die Sonderliste der Münzenhandlung Ritter / Düsseldorf...
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