Sunday, 2025.03.09
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Fixed price offers

Classical Numismatic Group

CNG presents the First Friday Price List of October with a batch of 60 selected Greek, Roman, and British coins all offered at the lowest price.

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics updated their inventory with 513 new high-quality coins, medals and tokens at fixed prices.

Agora Numismatiek

Agora Numismatiek published their newest Fixed-Price List XXI offering a selection of rare and interesting ancient coins in choice conditions.

Classical Numismatic Group

CNG presents the September issue of the First Friday Price List with a batch of about 57 selected coins all offered at the lowest price.

Classical Numismatic Group

Once again Classical Numismatic Group have published their Classical Numismatic Review to present a choice of 240 quality ancient, world, and British coins and medals available in their online shop at fixed prices.

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics have updated their inventory with 376 new high-quality coins, medals and tokens at fixed prices.

The NumisPlace

The NumisPlace – an online marketplace for high-quality coins & medals – offers regularly special releases where all dealers upload a choice of coins at the same time. View a selection of their new release here.

Shanna Schmidt Numismatics

Shanna Schmidt presents her second “Curated Collection” fixed-price list. For this purpose, she has carefully put together a number of high quality new purchases – mainly Greek and Roman coins.

Classical Numismatic Group

CNG presents the First Friday Price List of July offering a batch of about 50 select coins all offered at the lowest price. Here are some highlights.

Rusty Pennies

Rusty Pennies features almost 250 lots in their newest Fixed Price Sale. It features coins from an old collection that have not been seen on the market for many years.
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