The American Numismatic Society (ANS) announces that on Thursday, 13th January 2022, it will honor ANS Vice President and Adjunct Curator David Hendin with the Trustees’ Award at the Annual Gala, which will be held at the Harvard Club in New York City. David Hendin, of New York, NY, holds a B.S. in Education/Biology and an M.A. in Journalism from the University of Missouri, Columbia, and a widely lauded expertise in weights and currency of the ancient Levant, with a focus on Judaean, biblical, Roman provincial, and Nabataean numismatics.
Hendin is Author of 18 Books
He is author of 18 books, including Guide to Biblical Coins (the sixth edition of which is soon to be published), Cultural Change: Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Coins of the Holy Land (2011), and Ancient Scale Weights and Pre-Coinage Currency of the Near East (2007), along with more than 75 book chapters and articles in scholarly journals. In 1985 and 1986 he was chief numismatist of the Joint Sepphoris Project undertaken by Duke University (Eric and Carol Meyers) and Hebrew University (Ehud Netzer) and in 2011 with Duke’s Sepphoris Research Project. As an editor Mr. Hendin worked with the late Prof. Ya’akov Meshorer on Coins Reveal, Ancient Jewish Coinage Vols. I & II, the English edition of A Treasury of Jewish Coins, and, with Andrew Meadows, Coins of the Holy Land: The Abraham and Marian Sofaer Collection at the American Numismatic Society and the Israel Museum.
For 45 years, ever since joining the ANS in 1976, David Hendin has been a steadfast and generous supporter, contributing not only financially but substantively as a scholar, researcher, writer, lecturer, and charming and engaging advocate for the Society. Among his countless contributions was his role as the principal curator of the award-winning ANS exhibit Cultural Change: Coins of the Holy Land at the New York Federal Reserve Bank Museum in 2010–11. Mr. Hendin was first elected Fellow in 1992 and is now a Life Fellow and a member of the Augustus B. Sage Society. He was elected to the Board of Trustees in 2016 and currently serves as First Vice President and sits on many of its committees.
David Hendin Has Received Numerous Awards
The ANS is hardly alone in its appreciation of Mr. Hendin. Included in his numerous honors are the 2013 Gunnar Holst Numismatic Foundation Medal of the Swedish Numismatic Society of the University of Göthenberg, four awards from the Numismatic Literary Guild, and the 2002 American Numismatic Association Presidential Award. Mr. Hendin is also a frequent speaker on Biblical numismatics, and has lectured at University College, London; Nottingham University; American University, Beirut; University of Göthenberg, Sweden; Al Quds University, Jerusalem; Hebrew University; The Israel Museum; The Israel National Museum; Columbia University; and Yeshiva University, among others.
Numismatics is Only Hendin’s First Love, But Not The Only One
Numismatics may be Mr. Hendin’s first love, but he has also had a career as an award-winning medical journalist, publishing executive, and literary agent. In 1973 his book Death as a Fact of Life (Norton/ Warner) was a national bestseller, and is still in print. Hendin served as a literary agent for dozens of talented writers and cartoonists including Charles M. Schulz (PEANUTS). Today he continues to represent Judith Martin (Miss Manners®) and Lincoln Peirce, creator of the bestselling BIG NATE® and MAX AND THE MIDKNIGHTS book and TV franchises.

David Hendin has been married to his wife Jeannie (Luciano), retired vice chairman and publishing director of W. W. Norton, for 38 years and has 3 children, Sarah, Ben, and Alexander, and 5 grandchildren, Max, Charlie, Ariella, Jude, and Ezra (who is currently the youngest member of the ANS).
Dr. Ute Wartenberg, ANS President, speaks for all of the Trustees and staff of the ANS when she says, “One of the most distinguished and beloved members of our community, David’s commitment to numismatics and his friends and family all over the world is legendary. It is hard to think of an individual that deserves the Trustees’ Award as much as he does. He is also one of the great scholars in our field and works tirelessly for all of us. The American Numismatic Society is fortunate to have him as a supporter and honored to recognize his devotion to this institute and the field in this manner.”
In acknowledgment of his exemplary commitment to numismatics and his great generosity to the ANS, the Board of Trustees of the American Numismatic Society is delighted to bestow upon Mr. Hendin the Society’s singular honor for 2022.
Past recipients of the Trustees’ Award include such notable numismatists and donors as Ms. Shelby White and Mr. Leon Levy, Mr. Jamie Stewart, Mr. Kenneth L. Edlow, Mr. George Kolbe, Mr. Q. David Bowers, Mr. Chester L. Krause, Mr. Donald G. Partrick, Mr. Harvey Stack, Mr. Victor England, Jr., Mr. Ira Goldberg, Mr. Larry Goldberg, Mr. Harlan J. Berk, Mr. Roger S. Siboni, Mrs. Marian Scheuer Sofaer and the Honorable Abraham D. Sofaer, Mrs. Elizabeth Forbes Hazard Scott and Mr. Stanley DeForest Scott, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Adams, Mr. Anthony J. Terranova, the Eric P. Newman Numismatic Education Society and the Newman Numismatic Portal, the Rosen Family, Mr. Mike Gasvoda, Mr. Richard M. Beleson, and Mr. Mark and Mrs. Lottie Salton.
Every year the American Numismatic Society raises critical revenue through Gala ticket sales, program advertisements, sponsorships, contributions, and the proceeds from a live auction. These funds are used to further the Society’s mission of supporting research and education in numismatics.
For information on purchasing tickets or program advertisements, please contact Austin Andrews at 212-571-4470, ext. 117; via email; or visit the ANS website.
See some impressions of the American Numismatic Society 2020 annual gala dinner.
If you want to know more about David Hendin, please visit David Hendin’s website.
In this video David Hendin presents coins from the Jewish War: