The Coin of the Year Award 2021 honoured coins dated 2019 in 10 different categories. From the issues that placed first in these 10 categories the jury chose the Coin of the Year: the US coin “50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing”. The commemorative silver issue was created with state-of-the-art concave-convex technology and combines outstanding technical quality with a motif that appeals to many collectors because they witnessed the historic moment.
“In the first round of COTY voting by category, the United States Mint 5-ounce Apollo 11 dollar received twice as many votes in Best Contemporary Event as its closest competitor,” said Tom Michael, COTY coordinator, World Coin News contributor and market analyst. “It was nominated again in the Best Silver Coin category, where the voting was much more competitive, so I think the event itself was the most significant factor in early voting. However, I am sure that theme, design and challenging production must all have factored into the judges’ decisions on the final vote for overall Coin of the Year, where voting was quite competitive.”
Having chosen the winners of the Coin of the Year, a virtual awards ceremony will be held mid-March by the organisers.
Find all the winners in this detailed article of our partner publication Cosmos of Collectibles.
And here you can learn more about the subject of landing on the moon in numismatics.
On the Numismatic News website you will find more information on the COTY 2021 and the awards ceremony.