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Tag: Medals

St. Peter’s Basilica On Coins and Medals

When, in 1506, a new St. Peter’s basilica was initiated, this project was commemorated on numerous coins and medals. The online exhibition “Super hanc petram” by the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana tells the history of this reconstruction through coins and medals.

Army Flying Museum Shows Mass Art Installation of Mini Medals

The Army Flying Museum in the UK invited people from all over the country to help the museum create a mass art installation which has been inspired by their own medal collection. A most unusual mini medal exhibition will amaze even avid medal collectors.

What Makes an Art Medal a Great Art Medal?

Was the vote on the 2021 American Medal of the Year influenced by what can be called zeitgeist? Ursula Kampmann dared to raise this question in her editorial. Find here the answers of two eminent members of the jury involved: Mel Wacks and Philip Atwood.

George Floyd Medal Wins the 2021 American Medal of the Year Award

Jeanne Stevens-Sollman has won the 2021 American Medal of the Year award for her powerful work honoring George Floyd. Floyd’s famous last words “I can’t breathe” are featured on the medal along with a portrait of the young man.

The Medallist Anton Meybusch

The medallist Anton Meybusch is known for his magnificent baroque medals. Karsten Kold presents a biography and a complete catalogue of Meybusch’s work. Ursula Kampmann took a look at it – despite her inexistent knowledge of Danish.

Movie Stars Instead of Generals – How the “Seventh Art” Established Itself on Commemorative...

Films have been around for about 120 years establishing the much-admired film stars, who are among the most famous personalities of all times. Nevertheless it took a long time until actors appeared on coins and medals. Why? What changed? Let’s go on a little journey through time.

Medals of the Jewish-American Hall of Fame 1969-2019

Jewish-American Hall of Fame medals have found homes in collections and museums around the world. Now, for the first time, a book by Mel Wacks publishes the biographies of more than 50 inductees along with their portrait medals.

The Scher Collection in the Frick Collection in New York

In 2016, Stephen K. and Janie Woo Scher entrusted the Frick Collection in New York with their collection of medals. A comprehensive catalogue has been published illustrating just how unique a gift this collection is.

A Life’s Work of Royal Glory, Immortalized on Metal and Paper

Auction house Künker offers in its upcoming eLive Auction 58 precious and useful pieces of numismatic literature. The offer includes two editions of the most important work on the medals of the Sun King.

ANS Bestows Saltus Award to Mashiko Nakashima

The American Numismatic Society presents its 2019 J. Sanford Saltus Award for Excellence in Medallic Art to Mashiko Nakashima. The ceremony will take place on December 12, 2019.
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