Monday, 2025.03.10
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Fixed price offers

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics has updated their inventory with 366 new high-quality coins, medals and tokens at fixed prices.

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics has updated their inventory with 153 new high-quality coins, medals and tokens at fixed prices.

Classical Numismatic Group

CNG updated their web shop with a selection of 64 new coins. The list features a number of Greek, Roman, and Medieval issues for collectors to browse.

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics updated their inventory with 389 new high-quality coins, medals and tokens at fixed prices.

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics have published their inventory with 164 new high-quality coins, medals and tokens at fixed prices. Find some selected items here.

Classical Numismatic Group

CNG updated their online shop with a selection of fifty-four new coins. The shop features mainly new Greek, Roman, and British issues for collectors to browse through.

Agora Numismatiek

Agora Numismatiek published their Spring fixed-price list offering a selection of rare and interesting ancient coins in choice conditions.

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics has published their inventory with 542 new high-quality coins, medals and tokens at fixed prices, including a beautiful collection of modern European gold coins.

The NumisPlace

The NumisPlace – an online marketplace for high-quality coins & medals – offers regularly special releases where dealers upload a choice of coins at the same time. Find a selection from the new release here.

Rusty Pennies

Alexander Basok offers a small group of 70 coins and medals at affordable prices. The catalogue includes many interesting specimens from scarce coins of Galicia to a nice group of Imperial Russian roubles.
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