Wednesday, 2025.02.05
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Tag: Coin industry

Ethical Gold With the Help of Blockchain Technology

The Perth Mint has joined with technology specialists Security Matters Ltd to start the trueGold project. Their aim is to provide the surety that the gold has been ethically sourced and reliably tracked throughout its journey from the mine site to the marketplace.

World Money Fair 2020

The 49th World Money Fair took place in Berlin from 31 January to 2 February 2020. Japan was the guest of honour. Here you find photographic impressions of the fair and the events.

Frank Klingemann New Managing Director at Schuler

On January 1, 2020, Frank Klingemann took over the management of the Industry division at Schuler. The Industry expert is now responsible for mechanical single presses, blanking lines, electro mobility and coin minting.

20 years of H2O

H2O GmbH helps the coin industry too, to treat their industrial wastewater sustainably. After 20 years the company still has big plans as Matthias Fickenscher explains in an interview. This confirms the new extension building at the headquarter and the most recent product.

Close to 170,000 Jobs in the European Union Depend on the Production of Coins

For the first time a study investigated on what effects the production of coins has on the economy and employment of the European Union. Result: 169,900 people have jobs that are directly or indirectly linked to coin production.
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