The Ashmolean Museum offer as Part of the Talking Memory workshops series running 19 May to 23 June 2022 the workshop “Exploring a Coin of Roman Emperor Domitianus”.
The event is tendered for over-65s. The participants meet at the Ashmolean Museum main entrance. A gallery tour, tea and cake are included.
Join Dr Hanna Smyth, historian and Pubic Engagement Officer at the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, to explore a hoard of buried Roman treasure and a coin of the Roman emperor Domitianus.
Thoughts are put into identity and commemoration and discuss how people choose to be remembered. Afterwards the participants will talk about how they might want to be remembered 2000 years from now and create their own hoard filled with own memories.
The workshop will be led by Dr Jim Harris, Teaching Curator, Alexis Gorby, DPhil student School of Archaeology, and the Ashmolean Public Engagement Research Associates with Dr Hanna Smyth, historian and Pubic Engagement Officer at the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging for over-65s. Although the workshops take place in accessible parts of the Ashmolean, please let us know when booking of any special requirements or food allergies.
You can book free tickets for the workshop online.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact the Ashmolean Museum.
Read more about the Ashmolean Museum and its astonishing concept.