ANS First Vice President David Hendin is the recipient of the 2022 Burnett Anderson Award for Excellence in Numismatic Writing. A widely praised expertise in weights and currency of the ancient Levant, with a focus on Judaean, biblical, Roman provincial, and Nabataean numismatics, Hendin is the author of 18 books, including Guide to Biblical Coins (the sixth edition was published by the ANS in 2022), Cultural Change: Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Coins of the Holy Land (2011), and Ancient Scale Weights and Pre-Coinage Currency of the Near East (2007), along with more than 75 book chapters and articles in scholarly journals. As an editor Mr. Hendin worked with the late Prof. Ya’akov Meshorer on Coins Reveal, Ancient Jewish Coinage Vols. I & II, the English edition of A Treasury of Jewish Coins, and, with Andrew Meadows, Coins of the Holy Land: The Abraham and Marian Sofaer Collection at the American Numismatic Society and the Israel Museum.
Hendin has also had a career as an award-winning medical journalist, publishing executive, and literary agent. In 1973 his book Death as a Fact of Life (Norton/Warner) was a national bestseller, and is still in print. Hendin served as a literary agent for dozens of talented writers and cartoonists including Charles M. Schulz (PEANUTS). Today he continues to represent Judith Martin (Miss Manners®) and Lincoln Peirce, creator of the bestselling BIG NATE® and MAX AND THE MIDKNIGHTS book and TV franchises.
The Burnett Anderson Memorial Award is intended to recognize quality and integrity in numismatic wordsmithing of every kind. The award was created by Krause Publications, the parent company of Numismatic News, World Coin News, Bank Note Reporter, and COINS magazine and named after longtime Krause correspondent and Washington Bureau representative Burnett Anderson. The medal was first given posthumously to Mr. Anderson in 1999, at the 108th anniversary convention awards banquet of the American Numismatic Association (ANA).
Before serving at Krause Publications, Mr. Anderson worked as a newspaper reporter, a foreign correspondent, and for 25 years the United States Information Agency. During his almost 20 years at Krause he wrote extensively on numismatics and other collectible areas, and his work appeared in several Krause periodicals.
Today the award recognizes researchers, authors, and journalists for their career contributions to numismatics. Previous awardees include:
- David T. Alexander,
- David Bowers,
- Kenneth E. Bressett,
- Thomas K. DeLorey,
- Beth Deisher,
- Paul A Gilkes,
- David C. Harper,
- Robert W. Hoge,
- Wayne Homren,
- W. Julian,
- Ursula Kampmann,
- Chester L. Krause,
- Clifford Mishler,
- Eric P. Newman,
- Donn Pearlman,
- Edward Reiter,
- Edward C. Rochette,
- Margo Russell,
- Scott A. Travers,
- Peter van Alfen, and
- Oliver Hoover.
“We’re absolutely thrilled that David Hendin has won this prestigious award,” ANS Executive Director Gilles Bransbourg noted, “one that he is certainly most deserving of. All of us at the ANS offer him a hearty round of applause.”
For further information, visit the ANS website.
This year David Hendin was also honored with the 2022 ANS Gala.
If you want to know more about David Hendin, please visit David Hendin’s website.