In 2022, CIT presents the second issue of its Iron Maiden series. It is dedicated to the last studio album of the English heavy metal group entitled “Senjutsu”. Senjutsu is Japanese and refers to a particular martial art that is characterized by superior knowledge. Iron Maiden themselves translated Senjutsu as “tactics and strategy”. And indeed, Iron Maiden’s seventeenth album from 2021 ties in with the myth of the samurai, who turned war into an art form. For the album cover, their band mascot Eddie is dressed in samurai armor and faces its opponent with drawn katana for the final battle. The coins were minted in the B. H. Mayer’s Kunstprägeanstalt in Munich.
One side features the cover of the seventeenth studio album of the English heavy metal group Iron Maiden entitled “Senjutsu”.
The other side presents the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by Ian Rank-Broadley (initials: IRB); around it the name of the ruler, the issuing nation and the denomination as well as – on the 10 Dollar silver coin – the year 2022.
Thanks to impressive smartminting® technology, CIT was able to turn the one-dimensional album cover into a three-dimensional work of art. On the 10 Dollar piece, Eddie virtually bursts the coin blank. The realistic coloring combined with Proof fields testifies to the artistry employed by B. H. Mayer’s Kunstprägeanstalt to realize CIT’s ideas.
Millions of fans had to wait six years for a new album by the cult band. Thus, Senjutsu became one of the most successful heavy metal albums of 2021 and was number 1 in the charts of 24 nations. CIT dedicates three issues to Senjutsu: the 10 Dollar commemorative coin, a small gold coin of 5 Dollars and a 1 Dollar banknote. All three versions have one common feature: they showcase the album cover in an incredibly impressive way.
So there’s just one thing left to say: up the Irons!
For more information on the coin, visit CIT’s website.
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If you want to experience all three dimensions of the 10 Dollar coin, you have to watch this film: