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Tag: Cook Islands (contemporary)

CIT’s Iron Maiden: Senjutsu

After the great success of the first Iron Maiden coin, in 2022 CIT presents the second issue of the series. It is dedicated to the latest album of the heavy metal band entitled Senjutsu.

Trap Attack: Vampire à la CIT

CIT Coin Invest has dedicated a coin to the mysterious vampire. For the third time the Liechenstein company ventures into the realm of primal fears and intense emotions with its successful series “Trapped”. As always with state-of-the-art smartminting© technology.

CIT Commemorates Firefighters As Real Heroes

Firefighters are among the real heroes saving lives every day. That is the reason why CIT has dedicated them an issue in its “Real Heroes” series.

Open Roads – Open Minds

CIT dedicates a coin to the roads of the world and to all those who love speed and classic cars. It addresses cosmopolitans for whom the journey is the ultimate reward and the real pleasure. And, of course, it was made for all aficionados of cutting-edge minting technology.
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