Only very rarely and with a lot of luck can 2-euro circulation or even commemorative coins from the Republic of Slovenia be found in German wallets. One might think that the pieces simply don’t make it to the north. In Austria, however, I have already found some Slovenian coins in change. It shouldn’t be a problem to ask a coin dealer to fill the gaps that are still present in your collection. Despite all the mints that produced Slovenian 2-euro coins as the country has no national mint, we only know of very few error coins. In my opinion, the coin designs of the Republic of Slovenia are among the most beautiful coins of the entire eurozone. And mintage figures are usually below one million pieces.
2-Euro Circulation Coins
The Republic of Slovenia introduced the euro in 2007, and the pieces were directly minted with the new reverse design. The reverse design (RV) meets the requirements set for all euro countries. Since 2007, the obverse (OBV) has featured the Slovenian poet France Prešeren. The motif is complemented by the words “Shivé naj vsi naródi” (“God’s blessing on all nations”), a verse from the national anthem. On the ring there is the country’s name, the year and sometimes the mint mark of the respective mint. The first 2-euro coins of 2007 were produced in Finland. Circulation coins weren’t issued every year and some mints didn’t feature their mint mark on the pieces. The reeded edge reads “SLOVENIJA”.
Just like 2-euro commemorative coins, all 2-euro circulation coins consist of a ring made of cupronickel. The core is made of nickel brass with a nickel core (CuNi / Ni, CuNiZn plated). All pieces can slightly be attracted by a magnet at the centre.
Technical Specifications
- Weight: 8.50 g
- Diameter: 25.75 mm
- Reeded edge
- In addition to the reeded edge, Slovenian circulation coins have the edge inscription SLOVENIJA, the country’s name.
Coloured or gilded pieces are not official issues. They have been doctored and lost their former value as currency. Some coins show a larger gap between ring and centre, this is no minting error but a mere coincidence. Even if small parts of the euro stars are no longer visible due to the gap, it is still a minting coincidence. Don’t fall for such offers.
Mint Error Coins
So far, no “actual” error coins have been found. Again and again, 2007 circulation pieces are on offer that allegedly show the old reverse design. These coins were probably manipulated. Please don’t purchase such specimens on the basis of beautiful pictures. Images can be manipulated too. Be careful! Rather buy a coin that you can actually view in person, for example from a coin dealership.
2-euro coins from Slovenia can rarely be found in circulation. Mint state specimens can be purchased on the secondary market for prices between 4 and 9 euros.
Joint Issues of the Eurozone
The Republic of Slovenia participated in all four joint issues of the eurozone of the years 2007, 2009, 2012 and 2015. So far, no mint error coins have been found. These pieces are hardly ever found in circulation. On the secondary market, prices for mint state specimens range from 6 to 10 euros. The prices of all four joint issues may increase in the future.
Technical Specifications
The technical specifications correspond to those of a 2-euro circulation coin.

200th Anniversary of the Ljubljana Botanical Garden
Apiaceae (Hladnikia pastinacifolia) adorns the centre of the motif. In a circle around it the reference to the 200th anniversary with the year of issue and the country’s name “SLOVENIJA”. The rim features the twelve euro stars. The edge inscription is the same as that on circulation coins.
Technical Specifications
The technical specifications correspond to those of a 2-euro circulation coin.
Coloured or gilded pieces are not official issues. They have been doctored and lost their former value as currency.
Mint Error Coins
So far, no mint error coins have been found. Nevertheless, look for minor punching errors, die cracks and rotated die error coins.
These coins cannot be found in circulation. On the secondary market, prices for mint state specimens range between 5 and 12 euros. Here, too, it is worth comparing various offers before purchasing the piece.

25 Years of Independence of the Republic of Slovenia, 2016
In 1991, Slovenia, which until then had been part of Yugoslavia, declared itself independent. The OBV has a very clear design. Besides the reference to the 25th anniversary, words from the Slovenian national anthem can be read on the coin: “dočákat‘ dan” (“await the day”). Below the year 2016. The edge inscription is the same as that on circulation coins.
Technical Specifications
The technical specifications correspond to those of a 2-euro circulation coin.
Coloured or gilded pieces are not official issues. They have been doctored and lost their former value as currency.
Mint Error Coins
So far, no mint error coins have been found. Nevertheless, look for minor punching errors, die cracks and rotated die error coins.
These coins cannot be found in circulation. On the secondary market, prices for mint state specimens range between 5 and 8 euros. The price of these coins might increase.

World Bee Day, 2018
At the suggestion of the Republic of Slovenia, the UN declared 20 May World Bee Day in 2018. The reason for this was the concern about the global shrinking of the bee population. The OBV shows the globe as a honeycomb. Top left is the reference to the World Bee Day. On the bottom right you can see the country’s name and the year of issue 2018. The edge inscription is the same as that on circulation coins.
Technical Specifications
The technical specifications correspond to those of a 2-euro circulation coin.
Coloured or gilded pieces are not official issues. They have been doctored and lost their former value as currency.
Mint Error Coins
So far, no mint error coins have been found. Nevertheless, look for minor punching errors, die cracks and rotated die error coins.
These coins cannot be found in circulation. On the secondary market, prices for mint state specimens range between 4 and 10 euros.
In the online database Cosmos of Collectibles you can find all 2 euro coins of Slovenia.
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The author numiscontrol already dealt with the rarities among 2-euro commemorative coins of other countries, too. Here you can read his articles on coins from
- the Netherlands and
And here you can find his series on rare 2 euro pieces from Germany and on the joint EU issues (in German).
Find out more about our author numiscontrol, alias Reiner Graff, in our who’s who.
The collecting expert made it his mission to introduce beginners to the world of coin collecting – here you can read his series “Coin Care in Simple Terms”.