Among the longstanding readers and supporters of CoinsWeekly are two women who are running this year for the ANA election. Shanna Schmidt and Muriel Eymery are both well-known faces in the numismatic community. Here are the reasons why they think it makes sense to vote for them.

Shanna Schmidt
If you ask me why you should vote me here is my answer:
I’ve been involved in Numismatics actively since 2005 when I decided to join my father’s firm in an entry level position. As a woman, I realized early on that this business and hobby was in general dominated by men. This is not a negative thing just the way it is. That said, I want people to know that this made me want to succeed in the business even more and be taken seriously. It wasn’t always easy and there are still times I feel a bit like Sisyphus, but for the most part I enjoy my work in the industry immensely.
Now here is why I would be good for the ANA board of governors. Making my way in this business was important not just by being present at trade shows or selling a coin but also moving the industry in a direction that would lead to growth and prosperity. You often hear that the collectors are getting older and not enough young people are involved in numismatics. This needs to change! I firmly believe there is a chance to bring a new set of young leaders into the mix while still respecting and honoring the values that the older generation brings.
I have often heard from my older peers “that will never work, I know this from experience”. I find these excuses just to be that: excuses. If something isn’t working we need to work together to change things for the better. Accepting the status quo is not the way we move forward. The world is changing and the industry will either choose to follow and adapt or it will continue to diminish in importance. I plan to be involved in this business for the long haul so I am optimistic that my being involved on the ANA board of governors will be embraced by others. I plan to bring lots of good ideas to the table.

Muriel Eymery
Wouldn’t it be great:
If our conventions be filled with more foreign collectors, dealers, and mints?
If our educational programs attracted more Worldcollectors?
If we could engage more passionate young people and women, who I often meet during my travels?
If our association extended to a larger global online community?
Most foreign numismatists, academics and museums are unaware that they can join the ANA and share their passions and knowledge with us.
As Governor of the ANA, I will strive to include a larger portion of this population to represent the rich diversity of our Hobby.
Let’s together reach out to a World of Numismatics, which puts you and the ANA at the center of it!
You can find all information on the ANA elections in this article.