The XVI International Numismatic Congress (INC) 2022 will take place in Warsaw from 11-16th September 2022. Since almost 100 years the INC has been organized under the auspice of the International Numismatic Council every 6 years. For the first time, due to the pandemic, the event had to be postponed for a year. But the organizers are confident that the Congress will eventually take place in 2022. The Congress is an event, which attracts both, researchers and academic numismatists as well as coin collectors and booksellers from the whole world.

What You Need to Know About INC 2022 in Warsaw
The main co-organizers of the Congress are the National Museum in Warsaw, the Royal Castle Museum, National Museum in Cracow, Polish Numismatic Society and the Polish National Bank. The scientific Patronage is held by the International Numismatic Council in order to facilitate the good cooperation between scholars, scientific institutions, and other institutions in the field of numismatic and related disciplines.
The venue of the Congress is the University of Warsaw, Poland’s second oldest university, which comprises rooms with modern equipment, but also a classically styled aula, where the welcoming lecture will take place.
The logo of the Congress was designed by the famous graphic designer Aleksander Bąk. It was inspired by the coin of the first Polish king Bolesław Chrobry, a denarius bearing the depiction of a peacock on the obverse. This coin is one of the first Polish coins minted throughout history.
The INC Medal 2022
Traditionally, each congress has its own medal, which can be purchased by the participants. It usually becomes popular as a collectible item due to its limited issue. This time, the medal was designed by Robert Kotowicz, who cooperated in the past, among others, with the Polish National Bank (one of the co-organizers of the Congress). The Bank will most probably also issue the medal.

The INC Program 2022
The program of the Congress is available on the INC 2022 website. It comprises scientific sessions (papers-sessions and one poster session) and round-tables. The sessions and round-tables can be organized by everybody who aims at addressing the topic of his/her interest. The “welcoming lecture”, usually held by well-known numismatists, will take place in the Auditorium Maximum aula, which is very traditionally furnished and where the ambient of an “old university” can be perfectly felt.
The stands of coin collectors and book sellers will be placed in the “Columned Hall”, one of the most beautiful, classical interiors in Warsaw. This exclusive space is beautifully designed and has two classicistic columns rows with classicistic sculptures.

Social Events
The organizers are also preparing social events for the participants. The main event is as usually the gala dinner, which will be held in the Palace of Culture and Science, the icon of socialist realism. It is the second-highest building in Warsaw.
Temporary Exhibitions: Coins and More
Besides, the organizers are planning several temporary exhibitions – one on “100 Years of Numismatics in Poland” will be placed in front of the main gate of the University of Warsaw. Another one, in Warsaw’s King’s Castle will show the collection of Andre von Bastelaer. A third exhibition will take place in the Emeryk Hutten Czapski’s Museum in Cracow. Additionally, the Polish Numismatic Society plans to exhibit its collection, as well as the National Museum in Warsaw, which celebrates the anniversary of 100 years of Coin Cabinet this year.
Session on Polish Numismatist Joachim Lelewel
One session will be dedicated to Joachim Lelewel (one of the first Polish numismatists), the Polish-Belgian contacts in the field of numismatics starting with Lelewel, coin collecting, and the history of money. The session will take place in the Emeryk Hutten-Czapski Museum in Cracow before the Congress, on September 10th. It is organized by the Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University, The National Museum in Cracow, Polish Numismatic Society in cooperation with the Royal Numismatic Society in Belgium. The program of the session will be announced soon.

Submit You Session Ideas!
The call for sessions and round tables as well as for papers and posters are already open. The organizers invite every participant to make their submissions. All deadlines for the calls can be found on the INC website.
Travel Grants For Young Scholars
The organizers provide also travel grants for young scholars. As usually a pool of such grants is funded by International Numismatic Council. For young scholars from Russia and Belarus travel grants are funded by the International Numismatic Club. For young scholars from Ukraine travel grants will be soon announced. These are funded by the Warsaw Numismatic Centre.
Take the Opportunity: Visit Warsaw
In order to get a glimpse of Poland, the organizers encourage to do sightseeing in Warsaw and its direct vicinities as well as farther trips. The Congress venue, all museums, and tourist attractions in Warsaw are located either in the city center or close to it. Apart from the museums, where the coin collections are exhibited, Warsaw offers other interesting places to visit. One of the “must-see” places is for sure the Museum of the History of Polish Jews. Not only the exhibition is outstanding, but also the building itself is worth seeing. It was constructed at a symbolic spot: the very heart of a district inhabited mainly by Jews, and during the war transformed by the Germans into a ghetto. Other worth-visiting museums in Warsaw are Warsaw Uprising Museum and Fryderyk Chopin’s Museum. Also, Wilanów Palace and Łazienki Królewskie Palace makes a good sightseeing opportunity, as they both are surrounded by beautiful gardens and parks.
For those, who would like to experience more in Poland, several trips have been planned. Among them are one-, two- or three-day trips around Poland. You will find offers of tours as well as recommendations on what to do and see in Poland on the Congress website and on the social media: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Here you can take a virtual tour through the University of Warsaw.
Learn more about the Congress Venue.
One Round Table will discuss how to promote numismatics in a globalized and digitized world.
In 2018, Ursula Kampmann travelled to Poland and visited Warsaw and Cracow. So if you would like to have an idea of what you are expecting there, read here articles on Warsaw: Numismatic centre at the heart of Europe Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.