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Tag: Switzerland (Contemporary)

Swissmint’s New Roger Federer Gold Coin

On 3 September 2020 Swissmint issues four commemorative coins. The new Roger Federer coin is expected to become a best-seller. After the enormous rush for the silver coins, a new gold coin features his portrait.

Swiss Coins Since 1850: Available to Browse Now on CoCo!

Our new database, ‘Cosmos of Collectibles’, is growing and thriving. It now includes all Swiss circulation coins since 1850 and commemorative coins since 1936. But we’re still missing some photos – can you help?

News From Swissmint

Last week Swissmint informed its clients about the current situation regarding commemorative coins. There are fundamental changes and, due to COVID-19, also some postponements. We summarised the most important facts.

Olympics, World Championships and Everything Where Germany Flies the Flag

In 1970, Germany minted its Olympic coins. This was the first time that sports were used as a topic of German coins. It was an innovation at the time. Since then, sports have not only become numismatically presentable but bestsellers. After all, the world has changed over the course of almost 50 years.

The World’s Smallest Gold Coin Comes From Switzerland and Is Already Sold Out

Currently, Swissmint continuously produces bestsellers: first Roger Federer in silver, then the smallest gold coin of Switzerland and Roger Federer in gold. Collectors had to be quick in order to purchase one of these items.

A Lesson in Economic History: The Transatlantic Slave Trade

Up until slavery was finally abolished in the 19th century, European traders carried off millions of people from Africa to the New World. Swiss families and companies also profited from the transatlantic slave trade.

Swissmint Honours Tennis Ace Roger Federer

Swissmint dedicates a commemorative coin to Roger Federer. For the first time a living person will be shown on a Swiss coin. If you want to have this coin, there will be great news for you - as the Swissmint has changed the procedure of ordering.

New “Furka Pass” Swiss Commemorative Coin and 2019 Christmas Coin Set

On 12 September 2019, Swissmint will conclude this year’s coin programme of Switzerland with the new “Furka Pass” silver coin, the second in the three-part Swiss Alpine passes coin series, and with the 2019 Christmas coin set.

Everything there is to say about the coins of Neuchâtel

In a monumental work, Charles Froidevaux wrote down everything he discovered during 25 years of research on the numismatics of Neuchâtel between 1589 and 1818. Ursula Kampmann took a look at the three-volume work.

Handsome men for ‘Frau Hauptmannin’

The history of Swiss foreign military service is a story of men – but they’re only half the story. Mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, aunts and cousins all worked in the family-run mercenary soldiers business, invested their own money, were co-owners and had inheritance claims.
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