Sunday, 2025.02.02
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Tag: Japan

A Trip to the TICC 2022 in Tokyo

Our translator Michał Skubisz, who has been in Japan for a few weeks now, attended the Tokyo International Coin Convention. It was his first coin show. He shares his impressions with us.

Joint Auction by the Royal Mint and Taisei Coins

The Royal Mint and Taisei Coins, Japan’s largest numismatic firm, will launch their first joint auction at the Tokyo International Coin Convention 2022. They will offer rare British, Japanese and international coins. Have a look here at what to expect!

Happy Birthday, Yen! Japan’s Currency Celebrates 150 Years

In 1871, 150 years ago, Japan introduced a new currency, the yen. And to produce these coins, the Japan Mint was founded concurrently. In 2021 Japan celebrates this anniversary with a special Mint Set and a commemorative 10,000 yen gold coin.

YAMANA Norio is the New President of Japan Mint

YAMANA Norio was appointed as new President of Japan Mint, the State mint of Japan. He took over this position in April 2021. Mr. Yamana is an experienced leading figure with numerous positions in Japan’s National Tax Agency and Ministry of Finance.

Cherry Blossom in the Japan Mint Starts Off Spring

One of the annual highlights in Japan is the beginning of spring, when the cherry trees blossom. The Japan Mint had to close one of the country’s most magnificent cherry tree avenues because of the corona crisis, but this is where modern technology comes into play...

Covid-19 in Japan. Impressions of a Coin Dealer

Because of Corona we are all very wrapped up in ourselves and often forget that the crisis can unfold very differently for people elsewhere. Today the Japanese coin dealer Akio Seki reports that the situation also has its good sides.

East Asian Coin Terminology for Spanish Speakers

Many collectors of Far Eastern coinage know how difficult the terminology of their field of interest is – if you do not speak all those languages. At least Spanish speakers have a new help at hand: Professor Santiago Blanco’s “Glosario numismático de Extremo Oriente”.

New Banknotes and Coins to Usher in the Era of Reiwa

As Japan welcomed a new Emperor and a new Imperial era on May 1st, 2019, the country’s currency will reflect this change from 2021 on. 3D holograms on banknotes and the coins’ bi-metallic composition are just a few of the numerous updates we can expect.

Our Stomach: Both Ironmonger’s Shop and Piggybank

Some people suffer from a pathological urge to swallow coins. A man from Japan recently set a sad record: doctors removed 8 kilos of coins from his stomach. The injuries caused by this diet vary depending, among other things, on the coins’ material.
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