Sunday, 2025.02.23
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Tag: Coin show

Numismata 2023: A Paean to Coin Fairs

Coin fairs are currently experiencing a boom, including the Munich Numismata. At times, the hall even had to be closed due to overcrowding. An older colleague commented: yes that’s exactly how it was in the 1970s. Ursula Kampmann reports.

The 2023 Numismata Munich: Everything a Collector’s Heart Desires

Those who visit the Munich Numismata on March 4th and 5th will find a sold-out venue with more than 220 exhibitors, who offer everything a collector’s heart may desire.

The 1st Annual International Money Exposition in Nashville

For the first time the Annual International Money Exposition “IMEX” will be held in October 2023 in Nashville. Organizer Steven Ellsworth has partnered with Gary Adkins to make this show a must attend event in the USA.

Korea’s New Coin Show: Ulsan Money Fair 2022

In Korea, collecting coins has become very popular during the pandemic. In order to strengthen this development, the city of Ulsan will hold its first Ulsan Money Fair in November 2022.

25 Years of Sberatel Fair in Prague

After 25 years, the Sberatel in Prague is arguably the largest fair of coins, stamps, and other collectibles in Central and Eastern Europe. On 9 and 10 September 2022 the anniversary Fall Fair will be offering special highlights and promotions.

Kevin Foley Stepped Down as NYINC Bourse Chairman

Kevin Foley has stepped down as Bourse Chairman of the New York International Numismatic Convention. He served 23 years in this position. NYINC President Mike Dunigan explains what this means for the convention.

Hustle and Bustle on a Reduced Scale – Impressions from the Summer Fair

It’s already over – the World Money Fair’s extra Summer Fair. Although the event hadn’t been intended to be a full-fledged replacement for the large winter fair to begin with, the organisers should be very satisfied. A few impressions from Berlin.

A Trip to the TICC 2022 in Tokyo

Our translator Michał Skubisz, who has been in Japan for a few weeks now, attended the Tokyo International Coin Convention. It was his first coin show. He shares his impressions with us.

Stockholm Numismatica 2022

In 2022, Stockholm Numismatica will take place on 2nd October 2022. For the first time it is organized in collaboration between The Swedish Numismatic Society’s auction company Misab and the Swedish coin dealers association SMF.

Beth Deisher Receives the 2022 Q. David Bowers Award

In 2022, the Central States Numismatic Society honors Beth Deisher with the annual Q. David Bowers Award. The numismatic journalist was chosen for her lifetime achievements in the field of numismatics.
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