Our new database, ‘Cosmos of Collectibles’, is growing and thriving. A few days ago, the circulation coins of Switzerland were uploaded onto the system. You can now browse coins dating from the introduction of the franc in 1850, all the way up to the present: ranging from the very first coins, still minted in Strasbourg and Paris, to the most recent coins, with all kinds of famous pieces in between, such as the ‘Stirnlocken Vreneli’ (‘forelock Vreneli’) and the Gondo-gold patterns. The database boasts a grand total of 1,062 entries.

The latest addition to the database, uploaded just yesterday, is the full range of the commemorative coins of Switzerland. From the first official commemorative coin of 1936 (‘Wehranleihe’), all the way up to the coveted ‘smallest gold coin in the world’, issued this year, which caused long queues at the World Money Fair 2020. And, among the 139 commemorative coins between those two, there are all sorts of exciting pieces to discover.
And we’ve only just begun!

Send us Your Photos!
So far, so good. But there are still gaps in our database that we’d like to fill – namely, missing photos of Swiss coins. We’re hoping that you can help us!
Don’t worry, we’re not just looking for rare gold coins and such; we also need photos for lots of ‘small change’, coins that many Swiss readers might even have just lying around in their purses!
Attached to this article, you’ll find a list of the coins that we’ve listed in our database, but don’t have any photos for. Whether you’re a private individual or a dealer: if you have any photos of these pieces that you’d be happy for us to use for Cosmos of Collectibles, send us an email! Of course, if you wish, your name will be included as an image source. We’re grateful for any form of support!
This link takes you directly to the Swiss coins in the database.
By that search you can find the Swiss commemorative coin.
Click here to download the spreadsheet detailing the missing photos.
Click here to visit Cosmos of Collectibles.