Gorny & Mosch: Coins of Excellent Quality With Outstanding Provenances
On 19 November 2020, Gorny & Mosch’s auction 273 “Coins of Antiquity and Modern Times” will take place in Munich. A splendid, printed catalogue complements the auction. Immediately following the public auction, e-auction 274 will be held on 20 November.

Auction 273
676 ancient coins und 589 coins and medals from the Middle Ages to modern times will be auctioned off on 19 November 2020 by auction house Gorny & Mosch in their business premises in Munich.
Pieces from the following collections are on offer:
- Greek and Roman coins from various collections
- special collection Kingdom of Bosporus from German private ownership (part II)
- coins and medals from the Middle Ages to modern times
- special collection Brandenburg-Prussia Mint Minden
Connoisseurs will find a wide range of finest issues of excellent quality and outstanding provenances, a small selection of them will be presented here.
The offer at a glance:
- Celts: 13 lots
- Greeks: 286 lots
- Roman provincial coinage: 75 lots
- Roman Republic: 71 lots
- Roman Empire: 182 lots
- Byzantium: 44 lots
- Migration period: 5 lots
- Middle Ages: 21 lots
- Germany up to 1871: 408 lots
- Germany after 1871: 31 lots
- Medals and orders: 20 lots
- Austro-Hungary: 58 lots
- European coins and medals: 45 lots
- Issues from overseas: 6 lots
An overview of some highlights:
- Lot 9: Celts. Type with lyre ornament. Stater. Gold. Very rare. Extremely fine. Estimate: 1,500 EUR.
- Lot 48: Bruttium. Tetradrachm, 415/10-387 BC. Wonderful toning, high relief, obv. minor die imperfection, almost extremely fine. Estimate: 30,000 EUR.
- Lot 76: Syracuse. Dionysius I. Decadrachm, 406-367 BC. Unsigned Work of Kimon. First published 1906 and listed in Jongkees and Regling. Obv. die rust, rev. double strike, very fine/very fine – extremely fine. Estimate: 50,000 EUR.
- Lot 77: Syracuse. Dionysius I. Tetradrachm, 406-367 BC. Signed work of Eukleidas. Delicate toning, very fine+/almost extremely fine. Estimate: 18,000 EUR.
- Lot 114: Macedonia Chalcidic League. Tetradrachm, 383-382 BC. Gold. Rare. Wonderfully toned gem. Well-centred with high relief, extremely fine. Estimate: 5,000 EUR.

- Lot: 247: Seleucids. Seleucus I Nicator. Tetradrachm, 312-281 BC. Susa mint. Pangerl plate coin. Gem. FDC. Estimate: 30,000 EUR.
- Lot 329: Kingdom of Bosporos. Sauromates II. Stater, c. AD 174/5-210/1. Electrum. Very rare. Extremely fine. Estimate: 1,100 EUR.
- Lot 362: Tarsus. Maximinus Thrax (235-238). Bronze. Rare. Green patina, very fine, obv. illegible round countermark. Estimate: 250 EUR.
- Lot 439: L. Livineius Regulus. Denarius, 42 BC. Rare. Shimmering toning, extremely fine. Estimate: 7,500 EUR.
- Lot 479: Caligula (37-41). Denarius. Rare. Obv. smoothed at the cheek, extremely fine. Estimate: 7,500 EUR.
- Lot 502: Julia Titi (79-89). Aureus. Gold. Very rare. With bust to the left. Minor scratch, obv. punches, dent, very fine+. Estimate: 15,000 EUR.

- Lot 578: Saturninus (AD 281). Usurper at the time of Probus. Aureus. Gold. Extremely rare. 7th known coin of Saturninus. Holed. Almost extremely fine. Estimate: 25,000 EUR.
- Lot 1175: Brandenburg/Prussia. Frederick III/I (1688-1713). Ducat, 1706, Minden, BH. Mint master Bastian Hille. Gold. Probably Unique. Attractive gold toning, almost extremely fine. Estimate: 20,000 EUR.
- Lot 1277: Brunswick-Lüneburg. Duke Frederick (1636-1648). Löser of 5 reichstalers, 1639, Clausthal, HS. Very rare. Attractive toning, almost extremely fine. Estimate: 20,000 EUR.
- Lot 1347: Schaumburg-Lippe. Philip I (1647-1681). Reichstaler, 1660, Bückeburg. Very rare. Fine toning, slightly weak strike and double strike, extremely fine. Estimate: 12,000 EUR.

- Lot 1522: Austro-Hungary. Habsburg. Ferdinand (1835-1848). 4 ducats, 1840 A, Vienna. Gold. Very rare in this quality. Attractive specimen, extremely fine-FDC. Estimate: 18,000 EUR.
- Lot 1568: Russia. Grand Duchy/Empire. Peter I (1682/1689-1725). Gold medal of 20 ducats, 1700, Breslau. Probably by Johann Kittel. Gold. Extremely rare. Extremely fine. Estimate: 10,000 EUR.
e-Auction 274
Once again, Gorny & Mosch will hold an e-auction immediately after the public auction. On 20 November 2020 starting at 10 a.m., coins, medals and multiple lots from antiquity to modern times will be auctioned off online. Among them are for instance imperial city coins from South German private collection E.L. A total of 1394 lower-priced lots and all multiple lots will be sold. Here you can find the online catalogue for e-auction 274.
The viewing takes place at Gorny & Mosch, Maximiliansplatz on the following dates:
Starting now:
Monday – Friday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. – 6p.m. by prior appointment
The catalogue for auction 273 can be ordered at Gorny & Mosch, Giessener Münzhandlung, Maximiliansplatz 20, 80333 Munich, Germany, phone: +49 (0)89 24 22 643-0, fax +49 (0)89 22 85 513. The online catalogue of auction 273 is also available online.