Sunday, 2025.03.16
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CoinsWeekly is Moving!

CoinsWeekly is getting a fancy new website. There will be no more new News articles here! What else does that mean for you? Find out here!

Heinz Tursky (1941-2023)

Heinz Tursky is one of those coin enthusiasts who truly left their mark on the world of numismatics. Without him, Tyrolean numismatics in particular would never have been what it is today. Ursula Kampmann remembers the Tyrolean coin dealer.

Jere L. Bacharach (1938-2023)

Jere L. Bacharach, expert on Islamic numismatics, died in April 2023. The ANS remembers its long-time member of the Board of Trustees, and an invaluable scholar of the numismatic community and Middle Eastern studies.

As the King Lay Dying… – The Most Spectacular British Gold Coin of the Modern Era

In Part 4 of its extraordinary British Collection, SINCONA will be presenting several extremely rare patterns, some of which are the best-preserved specimens available on the market. In this article, we tell their story.

Our Cartoon: Franklin’s World

Philologist, numismatist and cartoonist Claire Franklin provides insight into her daily thoughts. Recently, in the forest ...


MünzenMarkt 43

  • Erbfall Münzsammlung
  • Das größte Münz-Auktionshaus der Welt
  • Münzgalerie München
  • Edelmetalle und Münzen

CoinsWeekly Special 4/23 ANA

  • What to Keep in Mind When Buying Gold!
  • Roman Aurei
  • Medieval Gold Coins
  • Early Modern Multiple Gold Coins
  • Gold Coins of the Latin Monetary Union


Salzburg Rarities from the Dr. Franz Schedel Collection

On 20 March 2023, auction house Künker will offer the Professor Dr. Franz Schedel Collection featuring coins and medals from Salzburg. A film presents a selection of rarities and tells their stories.


Carlberg, Dan

Dan Carlberg is a Swedish numismatist and auctioneer. He is co-owner of the Myntauktioner i Sverige auction house and published numerous articles on Swedish numismatics and monetary history.
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