May 22, 2014 – The International Numismatic Council and the Scientific Committee of the XV International Numismatic Congress invite submissions for papers to be presented at the XV INC in Taormina, on 21-25 September 2015.
The number of papers will be limited to 400 on a first come first served basis. All papers will be restricted to fifteen minutes to allow for a five-minute discussion. Papers may be given in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish. Simultaneous translation will not be available. Speakers will be expected to send their Power Point presentation in advance.
There will also be poster sessions during the Congress (maximum 50).
Please submit – by 30 September 2014 – an abstract of no more than 250 words in the ‘Paper Submission Form’, available on the Congress website.
The Scientific Committee will respond promptly to the proposals.
Abstracts must include:
- title of proposed paper or poster;
- author’s name and institutional affiliation (or personal address), with full contact information;
- five keywords.
Papers and posters on all aspects of Numismatics are welcome.
The sections derive from the content of the Survey of Numismatic Research 2008-2013:
- ‘General Numismatics’ (including ‘Communicating Numismatics’)
- ‘Antiquity’ (‘Greek’, ‘Roman’, ‘Other’)
- ‘Medieval Europe & Byzantium’
- ‘Western Modern Coinages’
- ‘Islamic, Asian & African Coinages’
- ‘Oceania and the New World Coinages’
- ‘Medals’
For further details go to the Congress website.
And if you want to get an impression of Taormina don’t miss to check out the second episode of our series ‘Sicily in full bloom’.