November 2, 2017 – The Department of Humanities at Trieste University (Italy) organizes an international workshop-seminar on 18 May 2018. “Too big to study” is dedicated to the question how to deal with large coin hoards. The organizers invite to send propositions for papers. This is their call for papers:
Enormous coin hoards have always been discovered, and very large quantities of coins are also found in archaeological excavations carried out in urban areas. All these great amounts of coins can be dated either to a restricted period or distributed along many centuries. However, these findings put the researchers in front of complicated issues mainly concerning the methodology of their study, which necessarily conditions the results of the numismatic research. We should refer, for example, to a series of important large coin discoveries such as the Misurata’s hoard, the Tomares’s hoard, the Roman hoard of Frome in Somerset, the Celtic hoard buried near Seaton Down, as well as the well-known Centur hoard. The modern coin finding of The Big Sky Hoard in Montana, Eisenhower is also very interesting. In all these cases it is/was not really easy to examine such large monetary findings. How to deal with them? How many time can we dedicate to this kind of studies? In fact, we have several options: a full study or a partial research, or also a statistical survey and archeometric or georeferencing analysis.
If you are involved in this kind of researches and if you are interested in this subject, we suggest a meeting to discuss our methods and achievements about how to deal with very large hoards or great numismatic discoveries in excavations.
For these reasons we organize a meeting in Trieste – Department of Humanities / University of Trieste, Friday 18 May 2018.
At the same time, we would be grateful if you circulate this communication / invitation to other colleagues who may be interested on the same topic.
The languages admitted during the Symposium are: English, French, Spanish and Italian. Computers and projectors for PowerPoint presentations will be available there. Contributions should not exceed 25-30 minutes.
The deadline to send the papers for publication is September 30th, 2018. The publication, in paper and electronic form, should appear by the end of 2018: the guidelines will be available during or shortly after the Symposium.
Please note that:
There are no registration fees: the participation is free. We are looking for sponsors, but we can assure that the organization will cover the expenses for the overnight on May 17th and 18th (University Guest House). Speakers will be invited for lunch and dinner on May 18th.
A contribution for travel costs is excluded.
Conference submissions must be sent in PDF format. You may request the form from Bruno Callegher. Please, make sure to include your name, your institution, the title of your paper, and the names of the other co-workers, if present.
Please fill-in the form if you wish to participate to the Symposium (* indicates mandatory fields), before the end of December 2017, and send it to Bruno Callegher and Andrea Favretto or Manuela Montagnari.
We look forward to meeting you in Trieste in May 2018!
The organizers:
Bruno Callegher, Manuela Montagnari, Andrea Favretto