January 12, 2017 – The Denali coin opens the new “The 7 Summits” series, designed by Coin Invest Trust for the Cook Islands. Made from 5 ounces of fine silver, the coin renders the topographical relief of the Denali, North America’s highest mountain, from a bird’s eye perspective and, thanks to smartminting© technology, in a stunningly high relief.
Cook Islands / 25 Dollars / Silver. 999 / 5 oz / 65mm / Mintage: 777.
The obverse shows the Ian Rank-Broadley portrait of Elizabeth II as well as her name, the name of the issuing nation, the nominal value and the fine content.
The reverse shows a bird’s eye view of Denali, whose heights are rendered in a majestic relief. The inscription reads DENALI 6190 m – Alaska Range, North America and THE 7 SUMMITS, plus the year of issue.
The 7 Summits
The “Seven Summits” are the highest peaks of the seven continents. They are at the heart of the new eponymous series that Coin Invest Trust designs for the Cook Islands. Made from 5 ounces of fine silver, each coin renders the topography of one mountain, seen from a bird’s eye perspective, in majestic relief.
Denali, formerly known as Mt. McKinley. Photo: Sbork / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0.
Limited to 777 pieces, the first edition in this series is dedicated to Denali in Alaska, the highest mountain peak in North America at 6190 m. In 1896 gold diggers named it Mount McKinley after William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States. The return to the original name Denali – meaning “high” or “tall” in the language of the native people – was already decreed in 1975 but only implemented at federal level in 2015. Mountaineers respect Mount Denali for the often roaring winds at the peak and temperatures down to -70° Celsius.
The impressive topographical relief of the Denali finds an innovative numismatic implementation on this silver coin, which achieves an unprecedented relief height thanks to smartminting© technology. The stunning result is best seen in this film made by Coin Invest Trust on this edition.
The coin is minted by B. H. Mayer’s Kunstprägeanstalt GmbH. Collectors can purchase the issue through specialty dealers.
Further information on The 7 Summits – Denali is available here.
This is the Coin Invest Trust website.
And to learn more about the Denali, please visit the U.S. National Park Service website.