Thursday, 2025.03.06
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Tag: Switzerland

A Quantum Leap in the Cataloguing of Swiss Gold Coins

Olivier Chaponnière presented a new catalogue of Swiss gold coins that is inspired by the way coins are catalogued in US price guides. It is a gift to anyone who possesses such gold coins. Their prices are to explode – especially those of high-quality specimens. Ursula Kampmann took a look at it.

Beatrice Schärli. On the Death of a Defining Personality of Swiss Numismatics

Beatrice Schärli headed the coin cabinet of the Historisches Museum Basel and served as President of the association Circulus Numismaticus Basiliensis for more than 30 years. In January 2023, Beatrice Schärli passed away. Andreas Urs Sommer commemorates her.

The End of a Long-Established Company: Faude & Huguenin Is Bankrupt

Almost unnoticed, a more than 150-year-long chapter of numismatics came to an end in 2022: Faude & Huguenin is bankrupt. Covid wasn’t the only reason for the downfall of Switzerland’s most important medal producer: leading employees are charged with fraud.

Romans, Gauls and Germanic Tribes in Switzerland

Gauls, Germanic tribes, and Romans: In antiquity, different cultures came together where Basel’s located today. This did not always occur peacefully. The Antikenmuseum Basel dedicates an exhibition to this subject – set up in a particularly playful way.

Bern Displays Ancient Silver Coin Hoard

The Bernisches Historisches Museum shows current archaeological finds from the Bern area in Switzerland. Among them is a hoard of Celtic and Roman silver coins.

“Timemachine” Commemorates Switzerland’s Watchmaking Industry

For the first time, Swissmint has issued a 25 franc gold coin. The coin is dedicated to the Swiss watchmaking industry, which is highly respected around the world.

Swiss Finance Museum Presents “Banks in Transition”

The Swiss Finance Museum in Zurich shows in a special exhibition how banks have changed from their origins to the current, digital trends in banking: from counters to apps.

The Treasure in the Jam Jar. The Gold of Morez

Rumours about a treasure in the house of the Jobez family had been around for a long time in the village of Morez located in the French Jura. But no one believed it. Now the doubters have been proven wrong: gold coins and bars have brought a windfall to the town.

10 Years of SINCONA AG Zurich – A Numismatic Commemorative Publication

One article for every year of its existence: SINCONA can be proud of the Festschrift it has published as a present for itself and its customers on the occasion of the company’s 10th anniversary. Ursula Kampmann took a look at it.

New Special Exhibition “Sports & Money” at Swiss Finance Museum

Sport is not just fun and sweating: in Switzerland it contributes more to the country’s gross domestic product than agriculture! Currently, Swiss Finance Museum examines the financial dimension of sports using historical securities and real, unusual sporting articles.
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