Saturday, 2024.12.21
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Tag: Health Issues

How Dirty Is a Cash Machine in London?

Did you ever feel like washing your hands after taking cash from an ATM? A study reveals the levels of dirt lurking on ATMs in key London areas. What do you think is cleaner: a cash machine touchscreen or a public toilet door handle? Surprise, surprise.

Dirtier than a grab handle in the subway

We have all heard the prejudice that coins and banknotes, passing through countless hands, are full of bacteria. Now, a study has shown that even credit cards are an oasis for pathogens of all kinds.

Our Stomach: Both Ironmonger’s Shop and Piggybank

Some people suffer from a pathological urge to swallow coins. A man from Japan recently set a sad record: doctors removed 8 kilos of coins from his stomach. The injuries caused by this diet vary depending, among other things, on the coins’ material.
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