September 20, 2018 – On July 3, 1938, the British steam locomotive “The Mallard” briefly achieved a record speed of 125 mph ( = 201.2 km/h). Thus, the LNER Class A4 locomotive with the number 4468 holds the world speed record for steam locomotives. CIT Coin Invest AG has produced a coin for Egina in cooperation with the Cook Islands to commemorate the 80th anniversary of this world record.
Cook Islands / 10 dollars / silver .999 / 2 oz / 50 mm / Mintage: 499.
In order to capture the dynamics of this moment, the coin minted by B. H. Mayer’s Kunstprägeanstalt combines smartminting technology and partial color application to achieve a speed effect which results in the illusion of the train heading towards the viewer. The streamlined front of the locomotive, which is quite similar to today’s high-speed trains, is made particularly noticeable by the coin’s high relief.
The famous train is exhibited at the National Railway Museum in York. Image: PTG Dudva / CC BY-SA 3.0.
“The Mallard” is the first coin of a series titled “The Spirit of Trains”. The logo of this series, a laureate wreath, was inspired by the record plate which was affixed to the locomotive to commemorate the record. A mintage of 499 pieces was struck of this coin. Every single coin bears a serial number and is delivered in a specially designed and elaborate packaging.
The coin is exclusively sold at the Swiss coin dealership Egina.
If you want to get a closer look at this coin, watch this film.
Learn more about the coin on the CIT website.
Of course, numerous fascinating documentaries about this unique train have been made. A particularly detailed version from the 1980s is available on YouTube.