The State Mints of Baden-Württemberg’s minting presses have been in action for more than 25 years. Time for a renewal of the machine park, thought Germany’s largest mint, which has now ordered a total of four new systems from the Schuler Group. Three of them will be delivered to the Stuttgart location, another one to Karlsruhe.
The machines will produce circulating money from 1 and 2-cent-pieces up to two euro. The 150-ton horizontal MRH minting presses used in Stuttgart can achieve output rates of up to 850 coins per minute. Schuler is the only provider of this system worldwide.
In addition, the Schuler Service has received an order to modernize a MRV 150 Ringmaster press. The machine, which also runs in Stuttgart, is a true all-rounder: It can be used for minting, joining of bi-metal coins or punching blanks. In addition, the press can separate ring and core from used bi-metal coins.

With their 80 employees, the State Mints of Baden-Württemberg produce around 40 percent of the German euro coins. The Stuttgart location can look back on almost 650 years of history and was merged in 1998 with the mint in Karlsruhe, inaugurated in 1827. Both are under the control of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Finance and – on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Finance – mint the coins, which are put into circulation by the German Central Bank. The circulation money from Stuttgart and Karlsruhe can be identified by the embossed letter F and G.
More Information about the Schuler Group is available on their website.
To read more about the State Mints of Baden-Württemberg visit the official website.
Ursula Kampmann visited the Schuler Group headquarter in Göppingen in 2013 – check out her article.
The Schuler Group turned 180 this year! Read this article about the 175th anniversary to learn more about their exceptional history.