A. J. Lansen has given collectors a reference work for plantation tokens in the Dutch East Indies that won the Tams-Mishler-Award in 2018. While in the third edition September 2018 354 tokens were listed, in this new revised 4th edition are 393 numbers mentioned with 21 new described tokens:
- A new, recent, astonishing, discovery was that the LaBe number 87: Goerach Batoe One dollar Reis1890 a modern forgery made in the United Kingdom.
- Some new discoveries, that were reported but not confirmed, are from the Blimbing Estate in Batoe Bahra, Sumatra: one Dollar brass, fifty cents brass, ten cents and five cents brass.
- Jelok Dalam Estate, in Asahan, Sumatra, reported and now confirmed: one Dollar german silver coated zinc, R4: extremely rare and the 10 cents referred as coated zinc is changed in 10 cents in copper coated zinc.
- A new Unternehmung Kisaran ten cents copper 1888 and one Dollar Reis 1888, both in copper, are discovered.
- From the Simpang Tiga Estate, in Asahan, named “Kedeh China Onderneming” new tokens: 10 cents brass with reeded edge and five cents copper, reported and now confirmed. From the same Estate, tokens in the name of “Malay Kedeh”, two new numbers: five cents brass, now confirmed, and a five cents copper : a new discovery.
- Societé des Tabacs de Deli, fresh from a Chinese friend in Shanghai: five cents brass, R4: extremely rare.
- The Soengei Boenoet Estate in Asahan: reported, not confirmed, but now confirmed: fifty cents made of German silver coated zinc, R4: extremely rare.
In this new revised edition is also a lot of new information gathered about counter stamped tokens with numbers and drilled holes on the rim. For example the Asahan Tobacco Company Silau tokens in the value of half and one fifth of a dollar. A few other examples are the one dollar, 50 and twenty cents of the Dolok Estate. Also new information about a lot of presentation pieces, sometimes announced as proof items.
Each token is identified by its denomination, shape, size, weight, metal composition and die axis position. Where possible a colour illustration has been provided. The catalogue is written in English and has an introduction in Dutch and English.
The book can be ordered by e-mail.