PCGS and DuPont Authentication Collaborate to Combat Counterfeiting of Holders

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January 23, 2014 – Professional Coin Grading Service of Santa Ana (PCGS), California and DuPont Authentication, Inc. of Wilmington, Delaware have announced the creation of a new, anti-counterfeiting 3D security hologram for PCGS holders. The addition of the prominent, high-tech emblem is part of the on-going, aggressive efforts by PCGS to combat the global proliferation of counterfeit coins.

Designed to combat counterfeiting, the DuPont Authentication-developed PCGS 3D security hologram image changes when viewed from other angles.

The DuPont™ Izon® 3D security holographic technology is one of the major features of ‘the next generation of PCGS holders’ unveiled at the PCGS Set Registry® luncheon during the Florida United Numismatists convention in Orlando, Florida on January 10, 2014.

‘This is a big step forward to stay more than a step ahead of counterfeiters around the world and to aggressively provide additional safety and security for collectors and dealers. This will give additional confidence for buyers and sellers of PCGS-certified coins,’ said Don Willis, President of PCGS, a division of Collectors Universe, Inc.
‘This is the next generation of PCGS holders. It will be very, very difficult for counterfeiters to copy our holders with the hologram,’ he emphasized.
In addition to the hologram, Willis revealed that new PCGS holders scheduled to be used starting in late January will be made of clear, scratch resistant acrylic for sharper viewing of encapsulated coins. The holders also will have other covert security features to provide additional protection and safeguards.


When viewed from different angles, micro dot images change location on the DuPont Authentication-developed PCGS 3D security hologram.

‘The Izon® 3D security hologram developed by DuPont™ is extremely difficult to replicate and contains numerous elements – both overt and covert – to foil counterfeiters. Buyers and sellers of PCGS-certified coins should look for the 1-2-3-4 progression of dots that appear along the perimeter of the PCGS logo on the authentic holograms we’ll begin using. The multi-angle holographic images provide for fast visual verification of authenticity,’ he explained.
‘We’re all very impressed with the clever, technical aspects of the hologram. It’s a fantastic addition to our security package,’ said Willis.
A video that clearly shows what to look for in the new hologram will soon be posted on the PCGS website.

The official launch of the new high-security hologram will be at the Long Beach Coin, Currency, Stamp & Sports Collectible Expo, January 30-February 1, 2014. The PCGS Booth (#807) in Long Beach will feature an informational video about the improvements and have a display of the new hologram and new holder. Customer Service representatives will be on hand to answer questions from collectors and dealers.
There will be similar displays at the PCGS booths at the American Numismatic Association National Money Show in Atlanta, February 27-March 1, and at the Whitman Baltimore Coin & Collectibles Expo, March 27-30.
‘PCGS has set the standard for authentication and grading. It is a role of great responsibility to maintain the trust and confidence of collectors and dealers around the world. Our partnership with DuPont for creation of this new hologram is our latest, major global initiative in combating counterfeiting and protecting the marketplace from forgeries,’ explained Willis.
Owners of PCGS-certified coins now in older holders can have their coins encapsulated in a new holder for only $5 per coin as part of a special re-holder service.
‘DuPont and PCGS share a passion for protection, and through the use of DuPont™ Izon® 3D security holographic technology, we’re pleased to help deliver the PCGS ‘gold shield standard’ to its valued customers,’ said Peter Waker, Global Business Director, DuPont Authentication.
DuPont Authentication provides market-leading brand protection programs, anti-counterfeit solutions and document security systems to large corporate and government entities. These solutions use a combination of market-leading technologies to safeguard the world’s largest brands and government organizations from the damaging affects of counterfeiting.

For additional information about PCGS, visit its website

For further information on DuPont Authentication, please click here.