September 5, 2013 – On November 23, 2013 the ONS (Oriental Numismatic Society) will meet in Bremen. The meeting is organised by Dr Lutz Ilisch (Tübingen) and Christian Bruennlein and will be hosted by the Bremer Numismatische Gesellschaft. Everyone interested in Islamic numismatics is welcome.
Besides the presentations there will be the opportunity to exchange coins or to have uncertain coins determined by guests and professionals. Furthermore people can get to know other collectors and numismatists and discuss their questions with like-minded people. The event will conclude with a dinner.
Further lectures may be integrated too (up to 30 minutes in English or German, a projector and a PC are available). The current programme is this:
11 AM: Getting together
11.30 AM: Welcome and presentation of the participants
12.00 noon: Presentation: – free –
12.30 PM: Presentation: – free –
1 PM: Prof. Lahbib Maamri (Morocco): ‘The Idrisid Dynasty’
1.30 PM: lunch
3 PM: Dr Lutz Ilisch (Tübingen): ‘A new Hack-silver finding with Arabic dirhams in Western Pomerania’
3.30 PM: Ernst Günther Weber (Bremen): ‘A unique Proof for Djerba as an Abbasid Mint’
4 PM: Break. Time for chatting, exchanging and determining coins
5 PM: Presentation and discussion of particular/undetermined coins of the participants
5.30 PM: Daniel Fellenger/Robert Lehmann (Hannover): ‘Aspects of Oriental silver coins – a metallurgical journey from preserved dies to the coins’ (slides in English, presentation in German)
6 PM: Presentation: – free –
6:30 PM: possibly dinner
Since space is limited please sign in without obligation via email. You may also do so on Christian Bruennlein’s website where you find all information regarding the meeting, please click here.
Here you can find more information on the Oriental Numismatic Society.