The European Commission has published a draft of a new initiative for rules on importing cultural goods into the EU. During a consultation process ending on 21 April 2021 the European Commission invites you to comment on the matter. The initiative states that it aims to clamp down on the illegal trafficking of cultural goods and will provide detailed rules on importing cultural goods into the EU.
According to the newsletter of the International Association of Dealers in Ancient Art (IADAA) the organisation is “assessing the documents and drawing up a response while … at this stage, concern will centre chiefly on practical solutions for the submission of documentation, commitment to a realistic and timely customs assessment process, along with clear definitions and parameters.” The association stresses that “it is essential that any measures introduced are workable and do not damage legitimate trade.”
Here you can see the initiative “Imports of cultural goods into the EU” and give feedback.
For more information on IADAA go to the IADAA website where you can also subscribe to their newsletter.