June 21, 2012 – The official EXPO 2015 coin-medals programme was launched on May 3, 2012 at Milan’s Museum of Science & Technology to a packed auditorium of invited guests and dignitaries from the Milan City Council as well as journalists / media and representatives from EXPO 2015’s organisation committee.
During the launch the coins were met with much enthusiasm.
The coins, which will have legal tender status during the duration of the EXPO event were unveiled with comments being offered by the coin’s designers. Mrs. Laura Cretara, the artist behind the obverse design noted that these new coins have the chance to give both Milan and Italy an opportunity to showcase the country for both their artistic and cultural achievements.
The EXPO 2015 coin’s reverse design was created by Luc Luycx, the artist behind the euro common reverse designs who also commented that he was extremely pleased to have participated in the upcoming project.
The obverse carries a variation of the insignia of the United Future World Currency specially prepared for this premier issue. The reverse of the coin includes the proposed denomination of “1” along with the internationally recognised symbol for recycling and the motto “UNITY IN DIVERSITY” under the numeral.
The “2012” dated coins are the first in the four-year series and struck in proof quality by the Royal Mint of Belgium. The first collector’s edition coins will be available through the official EXPO 2015 coins website and those interested in acquiring the first strikes which are packaged in a tamper-proof secure creditcard sized pack and produced in Maillechort metal, should contact the official licensee distributors Museo del tempo.
Milan Expo 2015 gives you all information at hand relative to the upcoming event.
For some background information on the Future World Currency project visit its website.