April 17, 2014 – In collaboration with the Research Foundation Flanders, the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique and CORES Interuniversity Attraction Poles “Urban versus rural contexts: differences of monetization from ancient Greece to the early Middle Ages (coin finds, taxes and trade)” The Coin Cabinet, in collaboration with the Royal Library of Belgium, organises an international conference every three years. The aim of these conferences is to promote the study of coinage from a long-term historical perspective.
On 16 May 2014, eight national and international speakers will shed their light on the use of coins in the countryside.
This is the official programme as scheduled:
10.00 Patrick Lefèvre, Director General: Welcome
10.15 François de Callataÿ / Johan van Heesch: Introduction
10.30 Catherine Grandjean: Monetization of the Ancient Greek cities (6th c. BC-5th c. AD): asty vs chôra
11.00 François de Callataÿ: Money matters in the New Attic Comedy (Menander, Plautus and Terentius): peasants, slaves and masters
11.30-11.45 BREAK
11.45 Christian Lauwers: Coins et ateliers monétaires celtes: de l’oppidum aux artisans itinérants
12.15 Philippa Walton: From barbarism to civilisation? Rethinking the monetisation of Roman Britain
12.45-14.15 LUNCH
14.15 Fran Stroobants: Buying and selling at Roman Pisidia. A theoretical framework of coin use at Sagalassos and its territory
14.45 Jean-Marc Doyen: Les grands domaines ruraux de Gaule septentrionale: une économie monétarisée?
15.15-15.30 BREAK
15.30 Jean-Pierre Devroey: Coins, monetization, markets and politics in the Age of Carolingian Emperors (from Charlemagne to Charles the Bald)
16.00 Alessia Rovelli: Urban versus rural contexts: l’Italie septentrionale au haut Moyen Age
16.30 Conclusions
The cafeteria of the Royal Library will offer a sandwich-lunch to all participants of the conference (sandwiches, mini viennoiseries, beverages and coffee included at the price of 12€, payment in cash the day itself). Next to this, the cafeteria offers sandwiches and hot dishes at affordable prices.
The conference will take place at the Royal Sky Room, Royal Library of Belgium, 2 boulevard de l’empereur, 1000 Brussels.
Participation is free, but registration is required. Please confirm your participation via email and don’t forget to mention your participation to the lunch, if desired.
This is the website of the Royal Library.