June 23, 2016 – MA-Shops is a platform for dealers of collectible items. It offers a wide variety (over 700,000) of coins, banknotes, medals, militaria and other collectibles, stamps and even bottles of wine directly to the collector. All items are updated hourly on the easy-to-use website. MA-Shops works with a network of especially reputable European coin dealers. And the number of certified dealers keeps growing. Here we present two of them who have joined MA-Shops recently:
Logo Munthandel Henzen.
Munthandel Henzen
Munthandel Henzen was founded in 1988 and is located in the village of Amerongen. Like most coin dealers it started with the hobby of collecting coins. The founder began at 8 years, and fascination for history was also a main reason for taking up this hobby and business.
EL-Stater. MYSIA – CYZICUS circa 550-480 B.C. very fine / PR. 14,500 EUR.
Henzen’s specialty are older coins with a certain historical background, like coins of the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Medieval World and the Republic of the Seven United Provinces of the Netherlands. Besides they have a respectable collection of the Dutch kingdom, Dutch overseas and older foreign coins, medals en archeological objects.
You can find the MA-Shop of Munthandel Henzen here.
Logo Schulman b.v.
Schulman b.v.
Since 1880 Schulman b.v. is the Netherland’s oldest coin auction house boasting with over 130 years of numismatic experience with auctions, valuations, buying and selling of coins, banknotes, decorations and medals.
Schulman b.v. has much to offer for the collector of coins and medals. Most important is their thorough knowledge acquired over more than a century and which is based on the accumulated experience and tradition of generations of Schulman numismatists.
100 Shillings. 1968 Kenya AU. 1,026 EUR.
When Jacob Schulman started his business in 1880, he had the foresight to found a card- index of all the pieces that passed through his hands. Over the years this card-index has become one of the most cherished and sought-after possessions of the business. Through it Schulman can trace individual pieces through the decades, and knowledge and experience has not been lost, but is accessible even today.
You can find their shop at MA-Shops here.
Logo MA-Shops.
You can browse through the numerous dealer shops at MA-Shops and find interesting offers in all fields of collecting. Here is the MA-Shops website.