November 30, 2017 – Every year, the World Money Fair invites a nation to become the focus of attention as host country. In 2016 it was South Korea, in 2017 South Africa. For 2018, the World Money Fair has now chosen a country in the heart of Europe, the Netherlands.
Representatives of the host country traditionally open the fair together with World Money Fair representatives. The booth of the host country is situated directly opposite the main entrance to the large exhibition hall of the mints so that it grabs as much attention as possible. Additionally, the Dutch Mint will head the ranks of the mints that will present their latest products at the Media Forum.
After it was sold to Groep Heylen in November 2016, the Royal Dutch Mint takes the opportunity to present itself to a broad public as an innovative player on the national and international market alike. At the time, Group Heylen acquired the company from the Dutch government for EUR 2.4 million. And the mint is a fitting asset to the portfolio. As a matter of fact, with Royal Blanking the investment group already owns an important blank producer; and with both National Tokens and the Mauquoy Token Company it also calls Europe’s major manufacturers of tokens and souvenir medals its own.
Whether or not the Royal Dutch Mint will still be minting the Dutch commemorative and circulation coins even after 2018, depends on its performance in the tenders issued by the Dutch Ministry of Finance. It is thus a good time for the Netherlands to look for alternative target groups just in case.
You can read more about the sale of the Royal Dutch Mint by clicking here.
Group Heylen also has an English version of its website.
It is surprising to see that the Dutch Mint still has a website in Dutch only.