March 20, 2014 – Lyn Knight, of Overland Park, Kansas, will be the official auction house for the November 20-23, 2014 29th Annual National Coin and Currency Convention, to be held at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare at 5440 North River Road in Rosemont, Illinois, a northwest Chicago suburb just two miles from O’Hare Airport, according to a recent announcement by Kevin Foley, long time Bourse Chairman for the Professional Currency Dealers Association (PCDA) sponsored event. Foley said of the award of auction rights to the Knight firm, “Lyn Knight has been part of our event since we had our first convention at the Cervantes Convention Center in downtown St. Louis in the early 1980’s. His sales have helped define the numismatic marketplace and have become an integral feature of our convention. Lyn’s sales are always exciting events, offering a range of material from items that are within the budget of the beginning collectors to six and seven figure rarities that only the most well financed can even think about acquiring. Lyn has helped create the U.S. based auction marketplace for world currency and was a pioneer in offering such material in live auctions in this country. His catalogs reflect an attention to scholarship, history and detail that make them a centerpiece of our convention each year. Our convention staff and Board of Governors are pleased to continue our long and cooperative association with his company.”
Bourse activities at the National Coin and Currency Convention will get underway from 1PM-6PM on Thursday, November 20, when the Professional Preview/Early Bird Day will be held. At this function collectors and dealers without booths can gain early admission to the 75 booth bourse area for a $75 registration fee. The regular public hours will be Friday and Saturday, from 10AM-6PM and Sunday from 10AM-2PM. Lyn Knight will hold three separate auction sessions of Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at the close of the bourse. Auction lot viewing gets underway on the morning of Wednesday, November 19.
A discounted sleeping room rate of $115 is available to NWPMC attendees by calling the Crowne Plaza at (877) 337-5793 and asking for the “National Coin and Currency Convention” rate.
Patricia Foley, General Chairman for the convention, said of the event. “The NWPMC is really just the right size, large enough to be commercially significant, but with 75 booths and roughly 85 separate dealers, it is realistically possible for our attendees to visit and have a meaningful interaction with almost all our booth holders. With dealers from roughly 20 different states, we’ll have a cross section of some of the most significant players in the coin and currency trade. Coupled with the Lyn Knight auction, I feel that the NWPMC is a veritable “must do” for people who are really serious in their numismatic interests.”
Dealers interested in bourse space at the event should contact Kevin Foley via e-mail or by calling (414) 807-0116.
Additional information about the Lyn Knight auction company can be found on the auction house’s website.
More complete details about the NWPMC can be found on the PCDA website.