The 49th annual NYINC event will take place at New York’s Grand Hyatt hotel January 8-17, 2021. Auction lot viewing will open on Friday, January 8. Auction sessions will be held Sunday, January 10 through January 17.
Kevin Foley, Bourse Chairman for the 49th Annual New York International Numismatic Convention, has announced the content of several of that event’s educational programs.
Foley said: “We always strive to have a broad range of educational programs on Saturday so that our convention will be a focused educational experience as well as a collecting opportunity for our attendees. At 10AM on Saturday, January 16 the executive director of the Ancient Coin Collectors Guild, attorney Peter K. Tompa will present Cultural Property Update 2020: The Year in Review. Mr. Tompa’s annual presentations exploring this subject matter are an especially popular and well attended feature of our educational programs. Later Saturday afternoon Joel Iskowitz will be the keynote speaker at our 1PM-3PM program for Young Numismatists. As in the past, the YN program will be moderated by Jack Mattes, president of the American Association of Young Numismatists.
The 3PM meeting slot will feature Gilles, Bransbourg, Ph. D., the executive director of the American Numismatic Society on Inflation and Coinage Reform in the 4th Century Roman Empire. Dealer John Kraljevich will follow at 4PM Saturday speaking on British and American Medallic Issues Related to the War of 1812 before the British Numismatic Society.”
Prue Morgan Fitts will be the featured speaker at the meeting of the Association of Dedicated Byzantine Collectors. Her topic will be: Adventures in Collecting: Memories of My Numismatic Quests. The Byzantine collectors meeting will take place at 11am on Saturday, January 16 at the Grand Hyatt.
The New York Numismatic Club will host their current Vice-President Darrell Low at a gathering scheduled for 1pm on January 16 at the Grand Hyatt. His topic will be: An Historical Survey of the New York Numismatic Club and the Contributions of Selected Members to the World of Numismatics.
Foley continued: “Our Saturday presentations, under the auspices of numismatic organizations that have supported the NYINC for many years, are a veritable graduate level day long seminar of numismatic scholarship and research. We’ll be adding more programs and speakers in the near future and encourage periodic visits to our website to keep updated.”
Fraudulent Contacts Seeking to Obtain Financial Information
Kevin Foley has issued a statement cautioning booth holders and attendees to be wary of unauthorized, and potentially fraudulent contacts falsely claiming to represent either the NYINC or its Grand Hyatt event site and seeking to obtain credit card and other financial information in order to make hotel reservations.
Foley said, “Once again our booth holders and others are being contacted by parties falsely claiming to represent either the NYINC, the Grand Hyatt, or both, with offers to make hotel reservations at the Grand Hyatt. For a number of years past NYINC and the other major numismatic conventions, ANA, FUN, Whitman Baltimore and Long Beach, have seen such activities. In some instances such contacts have proven to be outright frauds, soliciting credit card and other private information from attendees and booth holders via cold calls, with no reservations actually being made and potential guest arriving at a sold out hotel only to find that they have no place to stay.”
He continued, “In addition to falsely representing an affiliation with the major conventions in question such contacts also jeopardize the ability of events to obtain dates for future conventions by undermining the official room block performance needed to make any numismatic function an attractive client for an event site. Event attendees should always first seek lodging information on the official website of the convention they are attending and never respond to cold calls.”
Foley also mentioned, “For the January 2021 NYINC we have an especially attractive rate of $209 under our official room block. Reservations made outside the room block will be subject to a “destination charge” over and above the stated rate, in the past typically about $49 per night in addition to any room taxes. Our official room block is exempt from that. Reservations made through third party sites, travel agents, airlines, cold calls, etc. almost never are. The best way to ensure that a reservation is actually entered under our official room block – or actually, entered at all – is to visit our website, where there is a section to book directly via the website. The NYINC website also has an up to date listing of our booth holders plus the day by day Schedule of Events.”
Bourse applications or additional information about the NYINC is available from Kevin Foley by calling (414) 807-0116 or via e-mail.
For more information, visit the website of the New York International Numismatic Convention.
Here you can find our CoinsWeekly article about the 49th NYINC announcing bourse and auction schedules.
And in this CoinsWeekly report you can read about our impressions of the last NYINC in January 2020.