May 14, 2015 – Kolbe & Fanning have been augmenting their online bookstore, substantially expanding offerings of numismatic books for direct retail sale at fixed prices. Their online bookstore, on the main Kolbe & Fanning website, currently includes over 1350 titles spanning the entire world of numismatics. While many numismatists associate Kolbe & Fanning strictly with auctions, the direct retail sales have been a growing part of the business of Kolbe & Fanning, and it is an area they intend to develop more fully.
The website is easy to use, and is designed both for browsing and for more focused searches. Customers can use the Search box to look for specific subjects or titles, can check out recent additions to the inventory, or browse entire categories of books by simply clicking on the relevant link. Categories include:
- Ancient Greek
- Ancient Roman
- Celtic
- Ancient (Other)
- Asian
- Islamic
- Jewish
- Medieval
- Byzantine
- Russian
- Modern Foreign
- Latin-American
- United States
- Medals
- Paper Currency
- Periodicals
- Sale Catalogues
- Bibliography
- Antiquarian Titles
- General References
- Specials
- Discounted Titles
Titles offered include new publications, as well as the rare and out-of-print classics in which Kolbe & Fanning specialize. Each title is illustrated and fully described. Customers may place orders through the secure server; creating an account is optional, but useful for customers who may place additional orders from time to time. PayPal and all major credit cards are accepted; one may also pay by check or money order.
Kolbe & Fanning are currently planning a full website redesign that they will announce shortly; it will make the site much easier to use on handheld devices. Their intention is to offer a wide range of material appealing to various tastes. Prices range from $10 to $4000.
To visit the website of Kolbe & Fanning please click here.