May 7, 2015 – Mexican Coin Company and Latin American Numismatics announce that Kent Ponterio has joined their team, coming on as full partner in the company. Kent is well known throughout the numismatic community for his writing, published articles and affiliation with various renowned numismatic organizations. Over the past three decades Kent has worked for some of the largest companies in the industry, including Ponterio & Associates (1993-2008), Bowers and Merena (2008-2010) and most recently Stacks Bowers Galleries (2010-2015) where he served as senior numismatist and consignment director of world and ancient coins.
Kent Ponterio.
Kent’s knowledge of Mexican, Latin American and World Numismatics is the perfect fit for the Mexican Coin Company. Kent is currently an officer of the U.S. Mexican Numismatic Association where he publishes regular articles and has conducted lectures at the annual conventions. In 2002 and 2007, La Sociedad Numismatica de Mexico presented him with the Alberto Francisco Pradeau awards, which is the highest award given each year by that organization. Kent has received various awards and certificates including Numismatics Internationals (NI), the Numismatic Achievement award in 2006 for significant contributions to the advancement of numismatic knowledge. Kent has also lectured on various numismatic topics, ranging from Mexican coinage to National Bank notes as well as published a reference work on the gold 8 Escudo cob coinage of Colombia produced at the Santa Fe de Bogota mint.
Over the years Kent has expanded his knowledge into fields of European and Asian numismatics as well as ancient Greek and Roman coins. He makes regular trips to Europe and Asia each year and will continue to do so as a member and owner of the Mexican Coin Company.
Kent Ponterio can be reached via email.
Please click here to get to the website of the Mexican Coin Company.
And the website of the U.S. Mexican Numismatic Association you may find here.