June 2, 2016 – In celebration of the current renaissance Reformation coins and medals is enjoying during this Luther Decade leading up to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation (October 31st, 2017), the International Association of Reformation Coins and Medals has declared June 19th as ‘International Reformation Numismatics Day.’
This is a day to acknowledge and celebrate the importance of Martin Luther and the Reformation as reflected through literally thousands of Reformation / Luther coins, medals, plaketten, porcelain medallions, badges, pins and notgeld.
June 19th was chosen in light of one of the greatest contributors to Reformation numismatics: Christian Juncker (* October 16th, 1668 in Dresden; + June 19th, 1714 in Altenburg). In 1706 Juncker authored a beautifully illustrated book on Reformation numismatics (Das Guldene und Silberne Ehren-Gedächtniß des theuren Gottes-Lehrers D. Martini Lutheri…). (A facsimile edition of Juncker’s important work was published under the title Reformatio in Nummis in 1982.)
Mark your calendars and observe International Reformation Numismatics Day on June 19th by learning more about Reformation numismatics and a new catalog of Reformation coins and medals (with English introduction and descriptions of 830 Reformation pieces) at the IARCM website.