June 23, 2016 – The IAPN (International Association of Professional Numismatists) held its 65th annual general assembly from Thursday 5 May to Sunday 8 May 2016, in Amsterdam, Holland. The association has 100 members from five continents. 39 numismatic companies sent representatives, and there were a further 30 in attendance by proxy.
During the bussiness sessions a central topic were possible cooperations between trade and the academic world.
Since its founding, this is the second time that the IAPN has held a general assembly in Amsterdam. The association is not for profit and was formed in 1951 in the wake of the second world war at a time when the professional numismatics faced serious challenges. Now, just as in 1951, the objectives of the IAPN are the development of a healthy numismatic market conducted with the highest standards of ethics and good practise, to encourage academic research, to popularise numismatics and to create strong and lasting working relationships between professional numismatists the world over. The annual congress is a chance for IAPN members, the most prestigious numismatists and numismatic companies, to meet each other and discuss the major issues affecting the industry.
The general assembly at Amsterdam was organised by Andrew Absil of Schulman b.v., together with his Amsterdam based team, and at the welcoming cocktail party the president of the association continued the theme with brief history of Dutch numismatics and commerce in Amsterdam.
Informing each other about the latest fakes is one of the most important topics on the agenda of the IAPN meetings.
During the two congress business sessions the members discussed topics ranging from counterfeiting to new international laws affecting numismatic trade today. During the working sessions the passing of formers members was respectfully marked as the present members remembered Gérard Barré, Tom Cederlind and Dieter Raab while, by coincidence, they also welcomed three new members:
- Kapaan & Mades Münzhandels GbR, Herr Philip Kapaan, Brüderstrasse 2, D-44787 Bochum – Germany
- Lustig, Andrew, Rare Coins, Inc., Mr. Andy Lustig, P.O. Box 806, US-Nyack, NY 10960 – U.S.A.
- Oslo Myntgalleri a/s, Mr. Gunnar Thesen, P.O.Box 1403 Vika, N-0115 Oslo – Norway.
The association awards and annual prize for numismatic literature and this year’s winner was:
Vanhoudt Hugo, with ‘De munten van de bourgondische, spaanse en oostenrijkse nederlanden en van de franse en hollandse periode’.
Second prize went to:
Rizzolli H., Pigozzo F., with ‘Der Veroneser Währungsraum, Verona und Tirol’.
Third prize went to:
Frynas, J. G., with ‘Medieval Coins of Bohemia, Hungary and Poland’.
The three winners were chosen from a short list of 12 excellent numismatic publications all of which were donated to the Amsterdam Library.
The attending members enjoyed fine weather while they toured the city by canal boat, then visited the national maritime museum and boarded a Dutch East India Company trading ship replica where a guide described life on board the often perilous, six to nine month crossings endured by VOC sailors. On another excursion the members enjoyed a one and a half hour cruise to and around the beautiful windmill region of Zaanse Schans. And at the final evening Gala Dinner 2860 euros were raised for the charity ‘Medical Care for Africa’.
The next congress will take place in Lucerne in 2017 and will be organised by Ulf Künker of Hess Divo AG, Zurich.
For further information please visit the IAPN website.
Or contact the general secretary and executive director of the association Jean-Luc van der Schueren, 14, rue de la Bourse, B-1000 Bruxelles – Belgique. Tel: +32-2-513-3400 Fax: +32-2-512-2528 or via email.