Not since the publication of The Coinage of Sweden, in 1977, and Coins of the Swedish Possessions in 1980, has there been any concerted effort to update the extensive and diverse gold coin issues of this widely collected area of numismatics.
With the Fall 2019 publication of Sveriges Guldmynt, 1512-2020 – Värderingskatalog med inventering och statistik (Gold Coins From Sweden, 1512-2020 – Catalog with valuations, statistics, and auction sales) by Roberto Delzanno, a Swedish professional numismatist since the 1980’s, that has all changed.
The just-published, 450 page, large format (A4), hard-bound, full-color volume expands mightily on its predecessors. It is in three languages – Swedish, with German and English translations where appropriate and includes: All the gold coins of Sweden from 1512 to 2019 listed by date; the gold coins of the Swedish possessions from 1561 to 1878; the coinage struck by Fredrick I, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel as King of Sweden, 1730-1751; and selections of royal medals and personal medals from 1512 to date.
Prices for Three Grades
Prices in Swedish kroner (1 kroner = U.S. 10 cents) are given for most coins in three conditions, usually very fine, extremely fine, and extremely fine/uncirculated (Swedish grades 1+, 01, and 01/0). In addition to a price, each coin is given a rating on a rarity scale and is cross-referenced to catalog numbers from Friedberg, Gold Coin of the World, and Svenska Mynt. Results from auction sales are included for nearly every coin for which there are records.
Other features include in-depth articles on selected coins and medals, a presentation of a selection of medal engravers, and detailed enlargements of many coins with explanatory text. There is also coverage of mint masters, coin engravers, mint locations, and short, often entertaining histories.
Americans can order this book at Coin & Currency Institute. For Europe, it might be easier to buy it at Gietl.
Sample pages from the book and more information may be found at the websites of the Coin & Currency Institute as well as the publisher, Roberto Delzanno.
If you are interested in Swedish coins and banknotes, browse through our respective archive section.
The website of the MoneyMuseum also offers lots of interesting information about Swedish gold coins.