A group of Coiniverse Member Mints from across the globe have launched a beginner-friendly method for numismatics to create their own collectible digital coin in the Coiniverse app.
Involved in the project are mints from France, Spain, Germany, Finland, South Africa, Lithuania, and Switzerland, plus private mint Vera Valor, as Member Mints in Coiniverse.
Using the newly developed service, Digital Mint, collectors from across the globe can design coins and add them to the all-in-one collector app, Coiniverse. The software is a ground-breaking achievement in digitalizing the coin-collecting market, allowing beginners and enthusiasts to easily create and share bespoke collectibles.
As seasoned collectors know, the number of mintable unique coins is limited, but, as Digital Mint does not produce an NFT (Non-Fungible Token), nor do users need to use cryptos to buy self-designed coins, users can enjoy risk-free freedom in coin design.
“Our goal is to offer coin collectors a taste of digital collectibles with no risks involved. With our technology, Coiniverse users can enjoy the story and beauty of a digital-only coin, without the stress of investments,” says Mikko Sievänen, Head of Digital Development at the Mint of Finland.
“Because the mintage of these coins is so limited, our app creates an exciting and interesting opportunity for collectors to claim a coin for their own digital collection and show it off to the world.”
“This is our first step towards introducing new ownership models for the coin-collecting market. With this project, we want to learn about the future direction of digital collectibles and the coin market from collectors themselves.”
Coiniverse, which began as one of the first significant digital leaps from the world’s mints, ran a global community survey in 2021 with their now 70,000+ worldwide users. The results revealed around 25% of under-45-year-old coin collectors are interested in digital collectibles, with overall interest in digital collectibles on the rise.
In response to these figures, it’s clear that Digital Mint comes at a crucial time for the industry. The app presents an on-trend opportunity for collectors to meet aspirations of designing their own digital collectibles.
Collectors with a true interest in digital opportunities, and those eager to join the hobby, can now enjoy the simple, modernized technology available via the Digital Mint service.
“Coiniverse, a leading coin-collecting application, has aimed to make coin collecting a mainstream hobby from the start. We want to provide easy access to coin collecting globally and get to know fellow collectors,” Sievänen goes on.
“As cryptocurrencies and NFTs are still quite unfamiliar to most regular coin collectors, we wanted to introduce digital collectibles to a larger audience with no entry barrier. You can design your digital coin and include it in your collection in Coiniverse, without any hassle.”
“We want to see how interesting the collector market finds these types of collectibles and pave way for new concepts in coin collecting that could serve the main collector market in the future. Coiniverse is all about digitizing coin collecting, which is a logical step to take beyond traditional coins.”
For more information go to the Coiniverse website.
For a large database of real, non-digital coins visit our online archive Cosmos of Collectibles.