April 10, 2012 – You certainly know the problem: You are using the same word as your business partner, nevertheless you are speaking of completely different things. Different languages, different procedures, different aspects – globalization presents our language competence with completely new challenges. MintWorld wants to contribute to liquidate possibilities of misunderstanding. We are working on an encyclopedia of technical terms used by the coin producing industry. These definitions are thought as basis for discussion. We are looking for the appropriate word in your language. And we are looking for your commentaries.
Hardness Testing
by Henning Berger
In the coin industry, hardness is generally measured according to the Vickers method. Using this method, a pyramid formed diamond is pressed with a defined force for a defined length of time into the piece. A trapezoid indentation is created. The hardness is then calculated by the relation of the two diagonals. Normally, a testing unit of HV30 is selected, which means a test load of 30 kg for 10 seconds. Alloys and galvanized materials are usually between 70 and 110 HV30, stainless steel in the 150-165 HV30 range.