March 10, 2016 – In December 2015 the American Numismatic Society (ANS) and British Museum’s Portable Antiquity Scheme (PAS) have concluded in record time a crowdsourced coin identification project.
Crowdsourced means that many people were able to contribute through a particular software or online portal called Micropasts. Micropasts hosts scientific projects which need human intelligence for transcribing documents or identifying objects.
The idea was to integrate coins from the enormous PAS database with some 200,000 objects into the OCRE database (Online Coins of the Roman Empire). But it was necessary to give to the coins clear identifiers according to the Roman Imperial Coinage reference books.
Thanks to many volunteers who were able to execute this enormous load of work from their homes the project was finished after only three days.
More about the project tells a blog article at the ANS blog.
To learn more about OCRE click here.
This is the Micropasts website.