January 21, 2016 – A team at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, is studying the Roman takeover of the Aegean Basin in the 2nd / 1st centuries BC, under the project title “Aegeum”. As part of this project, on Thursday and Friday 14-15 April 2016 a one-and-a-half-day table ronde will take place at the University entitled “Graecia capta? Roman influence on coinage and its circulation in the Aegean Basin in the second and first centuries BC”.
A generation has passed since the publication of Michael Crawford’s Coinage and Money under the Roman Republic and the BAR Proceedings of the 1985 British Museum colloquium on the same subject. Much new material has been discovered and new research completed in the meantime, and now seems to be an appropriate time to take the debate further.
Speakers will be Michel Amandry, Richard Ashton, Nathan Badoud, Andrew Burnett, François de Callataÿ, Lucia Carbone, Michael Crawford, Fabrice Delrieux, Amelia Dowler, Sophia Kremydi, Andrew Meadows, Albana Meta, Evgeni Paunov and Tolga Tek. Presentations will be a mix of general topics and specialised geographical studies covering mainland Greece, Thrace, and Asia Minor as far east as Bithynia, Pamphylia and Pisidia.
The colloquium takes place under the auspices of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Swiss Numismatic Society and the Royal Numismatic Society.
For further details on the colloquium, please email Richard Ashton and Nathan Badoud.
And more information on the project “Aegeum” is available here.