May 12, 2016 – At the triennial plenary meeting of ICOMON in Milan in July 2016 a new board for ICOMON will be set up. All voting members of ICOMON are eligible to run for office for the coming three-year term on condition that they have paid their 2015 membership fee.
According to the rules of ICOMON, Board members are limited to two consecutive terms in office.
Further to the ICOMON Board Meeting in Taormina, on 21 September 2015, the following new structure of the ICOMON Board of Directors has been agreed:
ICOMON Board vacancies
- President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Communications Chair
- Editor ICOMON eProceedings
Advisory committee (consisting of the following representatives)
- Representative for Bank Museums
- Representative for Private Museums
- Representative for National Museums
- Representative of Europe
- Representative for Asia (East)
- Representative for Asia (West)
- Representative for Asia (Australia/Oceania)
- Representative for America (North)
All those interested in running for an office, should send their nomination to the ICOMON secretary (Eleni Zapiti, Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 86-90 Phaneromenis Street, 21995, 1515 Nicosia, Cyprus) including a brief Curriculum Vitae (about ½ page) as well as the enclosed nomination form duly completed and signed personally.
The reply must be received no later than 27 May 2016
The Board will provide all members with a complete list of candidates. The further procedure will include the possibility for members to vote for the Board members by mail prior to the meeting in Milan, if they are unable to attend the meeting.
Regional representatives will be appointed by the Board members, once the new Board is elected in Milan in July. Regional representatives will act on an advisory ad hoc, e.g. to assist with the organisation of meetings locally, when the committee needs to attend to matters relevant to the region etc.
If you want to learn more about ICOMON go to the network’s website.
For more information on the forthcoming meeting visit the meeting’s official website.